S4 Part 32 - Red

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"We're in the shitter now..." Asahi moaned at the kitchen table.

"Calm down. We still have the queen piece - the best piece on the chess board," Heller said, but even his tone was lacking in luster.

You, Botan and Hebira returned to the mansion, amazingly without a hitch, thanks to Hebira using her car to get you all away from town. She sulked the entire way here and continued to do so, also taking a spot at the table.

"That doesn't matter if the king piece is pissed off and wants to murder all the pawns dead!" Asahi argued.

"He does not," Heller rolled his eyes, "It's just the angry grandma. At best she's a bishop."

"Hebira..." you said, "I'll give you the money to fix your shop."

She looked up at you as if confused if you were speaking to her, "Oh. It's alright! I'm just being a baby..."

"Those dresses were your babies," you said, feeling for the self-made designer, "Just let me."

"You're most gracious my queen..." she muttered, "I did grab one before we left. But I'm not sure which one, you'll have to check the bag."

Heller came up behind you and wrapped one arm across your middle, getting you nice and close to rest his chin on your shoulder, "I'll repay her, kijo. It was my idea, anyway. Shoulda known Yuma would be out causing mischief. Sorry, snake charmer."

Hebira sighed at her nickname, "Doesn't matter now. What do we do? They came to include me in their plans but..."

"You like us too much?" Heller grinned.

She simply turned up her nose, "I just don't hate you is all. Plus, the queen seems to approve of you over Yuma for the moment."

You scoffed, "Yeah, well, after she wanted me to marry Overhaul, kinda make the choice easier."

Heller nipped at your neck and chuckled, "She'd rather marry me, is what she means."

"You get to be hot or tell jokes, pick one," you said, and made to wriggle away from his insistent cuddling. It was a weak effort on your part, as you didn't totally mind.

Asahi scowled at his winged friend, "Quit flirting. My life is on the line!"

Heller restrained himself and slowly slid away from you to approach him team on his own, "Daddy's on his way, then we'll know for sure what we're in for."

"Butcher's coming now?" Asahi sank in his chair, making it halfway down the back, "Oh, fuck me..."

"Just worry about setting up for the party - take your mind off things, yeah," Heller said, "If you've run out of chores to do, I got a list for you."

"Dude!" Asahi cried, "We still got contracts in the basement and you're worried about a party."

Contracts. You gulped. The people chained up in the dungeon? You weren't sure how you felt about their fate considering how terrible they were, but it made you uneasy that they were still alive. Hopefully, not on your account - as in, you still didn't want to be the one to do the deed.

"I'll deal with them. Just worry your pretty head about moving furniture around."

Asahi continued to parade his worries by stomping about in the kitchen, but then did start busying himself with work. Botan helped him but didn't have much to contribute and instead dealt with the issue by remaining silent.

Hebira came to you and handed you a zipped up bag, "The final girl," she said.

"What?" You asked.

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