S4 Part 50 - No Good at Goodbyes

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"Where'd you even get the money for this?"

You asked Bakugo while feeling the sleek interior. The car cut through the streets like butter, but you still kept one hand on your short skirt to keep it from sliding further up.

The thigh-high socks hugging your legs kept you warm, but some skin was still exposed to the elements. You could feel Bakugo watching but his focus shot back on the road.

"If you'd quit running off all the time, then maybe you'd learn how to get stuff from sponsors," Bakugo leered.

"Wow, okay."


You snorted, "Nothing, mister hot-shot."

"Shut up," he said with a smirk, "I'm serious. You've given everyone enough shit to stress about for a while."

"Don't worry," you said, "The HPSC has their eye on me. Won't be doing anything fun for a while."

"You think being kidnapped is fun?! Are you some kind of masochist!"

"Probably," you shrugged.

"Tch. All Might and that damn nerd couldn't talk about anything else. He needs to be focusing on himself right now, not you!" He roared.

The funny part was hearing him sound genuinely concerned about his fellow classmates. Especially Izuku of all people. But his comment still weighed on you.

"Is something wrong with Izuku?" you asked.

"Yeah. He's never going to catch up to me - EVER!" Bakugo smiled, "But especially if he's worrying about you. Stupid idiot is hopelessly in love. With you or All Might - I dunno which."

"He has Ochaco."

"She's too good for him too."

You smirked to yourself, but Bakugo caught you, "The hell is so funny?"

"You," you said, "I think you like your class. Dare I say, you even consider them friends?"

He focused on the road with a furious expression but neither confirmed nor denied. You knew he was going to want a serious conversation, but after today, you just wanted to kick back for a second. One peaceful fucking second with Bakugo's music vibrating the entire car.

"You're snoring."

Second is over...

"Hm?" Your eyes rolled open.

"If you're that exhausted I'm taking you back," he grumbled.

"No. I'm sorry," you pat your cheeks aggressively, "I just need food and it'll be fine..."

You forced your eyes open, but the car moved like a pleasure cruise to sleepy town. So, you averted your gaze from the lulling moving street to check out Bakugo instead.

He was in a fitted, white long-sleeve that hugged his more narrow waist and broad shoulders. You remembered very well what his solid arms and chest felt like...

He smelled good too.

"Where are you taking me anyway?" You asked, "You haven't said. And you ignored my suggestions earlier."

His anger spilled over, but you were already accustomed to him, "YOU THINK THAT I'D TAKE YOU WHERE THOSE VILLAINS COULD FIND YOU?! We're staying in and I'm cooking, so deal with it!"

Bakugo relaxed his head against the headrest and had a wicked smile on his face, "Actually... maybe we should go out. I wouldn't mind blowing up more of those freaks."

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