S4 Part 42 - Happy Reunion?

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Twice cautiously approached their leader, who had taken to sulking on your eccentric throne.

It had been a couple days since the disappointing end to Butcher. No one really knew yet if you had risen to power over your cult. The only thing the League of Villains knew was that you had returned to the heroes and beat the shit out of Tomura's double.

He scowled.

"I'm sorry... I'm holding you back," Twice's head hung low, "I wish I could but I can't make duplicates of the bullets..."

"I see," Tomura said. He fiddled with the case holding their remaining quirk cancelers and sighed.

"At least I brought you one more," Toga sprawled out on the carpet, eating a bag of chips left behind by Asahi, "(Y/N) was being sneaky keeping two on her, huh?"

Compress leaned against the wall, getting a clear view of everyone, "Perhaps she wasn't confident in her ability to shoot and wanted a backup?"

"No," Tomura said, "I have a feeling... but it's stupid."

"She's not very reliable," Compress argued, "Is it about time we give up and focus on our main objective?"

"(Y/N) isn't a side quest," Tomura smirked, "She's going to be queen of our new world, and I'm going to be it's king. For me, she's part of the main quest." He paused, when a stoned, and possibly also drunk, Dabi appeared from the basement. He brought a mild skunk-like smell with him. The firecracker already looked like he just rolled out of bed normally, but this time his jacket was falling off his shoulder the zipper to his pants was down.

Tomura sneered, "In fact, I'm fine with being the only one with her quest icon on my radar. No one else needs to worry about her."

Dabi hardly looked his way as he retreated to take a nap upstairs. He gave him a tiny smirk, "You're all just kicking back? Looks like I'm still the only one doing any work around here."

Twice laughed loudly, "Please! Roasting every potential recruit doesn't count as work!"

"They were all worthless trash," Dabi mulled, "I'm working on some potentials, though."

"I don't think messing around with the super cute demons counts either," Toga giggled, "You're a bold guy, Dabi."

"Shut up," he rolled his eyes, "Like you wouldn't have."

"You don't think the girl will be a liability?" Compress circled around back to you, "You kept important information from her, correct? Even with your... progressing relationship."

"Yeah, I'm not dumb," Tomura said, "I just don't see why I shouldn't take whatever I want in the process."

"You sure..?" Twice asked, "That's it! Take charge man! And take your woman!"

"That's what this is about, right?" Tomura pocketed the bullet case, "We're destroying hero society and living how we want to. I want to destroy everything, with (Y/N) by my side, whether she likes it or not. I mean, eventually she'll like it. I know she will. She just has to quit being such a flake."

"Someone's gotten bold," Twice raised a brow.

"He's just in love," Toga swooned, munching on another chip, "But don't destroy what I love, Tomura..."

"Obviously, my friends are the exception. You can all do as you please," he said, earning a thrilled squeal from Toga.

Spinner had been next to Compress this whole time, barely listening with his arms crossed. He tapped his nails against the scales, the feeling of uncertainty bubbling over.

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