S3 Part 36 - A Dance of Death

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The party was being held at an upscale hotel about a twenty minutes from UA. You ended up getting a ride with your classmates anyway, forcing yourself to smile at Mina's excitement and chuckle anytime Kirishima made a joke.

It looked like you were attending a concert or the movie awards. A carpet welcomed the guests through the doors of the hotel. Photographers asked heroes to stop and pose in their designer dresses or stand with fans who were behind the security ropes.

You wanted to be invisible. It was a grand spectacle of chandeliers and god. Everyone looked amazing and full of life. This could be a big night for your class. But you suddenly found no purpose to any of it.

You let the photographers take shots of you, Mina, Denki, Kirishima, and Mineta all together. Requests were thrown at you but you just smiled. You couldn't hear anything anyway. It was all a dull roar to your ears, like thunder.

"Let's find everyone else inside!" Mina said, "Jiro better have worn that dress we picked out!"

You couldn't even feel Mina's hand pulling you along. How was any of this happening? More than anything, you had wanted to be here with Shinso, dressed nice, making fun of the gaudiness in secret while eating all the available snacks.

When you saw the rest of your class, standing inside the venue adjacent the lobby, they were sticking out like sore thumbs - looking nervous in the sea of important people. It made you homesick, and they were right in front of you. Especially when you saw Izuku, who was sweating bullets.

Help me.

You found yourself wishing Bakugo and Todoroki were here too, but, sadly, they wouldn't be this time. They were all powerful and brilliant... but what power could get you out of your current situation?

"Hey," Mineta nudged your side, "Where's the boo? How was the sex? Spare EVERY detail."


"H-Hey, I was just kid- ah!!" Mineta squeaked when you grabbed the back of his nice shirt and lifted him off the ground.

"(Y/N). Mineta," you heard Aizawa's bored but stern voice approaching, "I expect you'll both be behaving appropriately this evening."

"Certainly, sir," you said. He was looking fresh this evening too, but he still sported a sleepy expression. Aizawa crossed his arms and you imagined him in his normal getup, ready to use his scarf at any moment.

"Then, what are you doing..?" His lazy eyes leered while Mineta's legs kicked the air.

"... Just ready to send him where he belongs, sir."

"Where do you think that is, the hospital?"

"I was thinking more like a casket..." you said under your breathe, almost taking yourself seriously. Mineta looked torn between terror and arousal as he gazed up at you with his wide eyes.
(Anime_Furry  different from your vision probably but I had to add it! Thx 😁)

Aizawa continued to glare until you let him go. Mineta was over it and back to admiring the many dresses he could eyeball, but your teacher picked up on your vibes right away.

"Something troubling you, (Y/N)?" Aizawa asked, "... Where is Shinso?"

"He's not feeling well," you swallowed, hoping you sounded convincing after that display, "He's back at the dorms still."

"Really. I'm surprised he wouldn't still try to be here." When you didn't say anything, he stated a minute longer before patting your shoulder, "Call me over if you need anything. Like an attitude adjustment."

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