Peter shivered as he walked the busy streets of New York. Cafés and Christmas stores were busy.

He found a few walls and store windows to tape the fliers down. He eventually wondered to the outskirts, about 20 papers left, when he heard heavy boots.

Peter whipped around and froze. Deadpool towering over him.

"Uhm. Can I help you?" He barely whispered.

"Why're you hanging this shit up?" He barked.

Peter didn't expect him to be angry, so he stepped back. "I-it's my job?"

Wade scoffed. "Fucking pathetic. Do you even know the things Spider-Man has done for us?" He took a step towards Peter.

Peter trembled in his spot. Deadpool has only come to pester him one other time, but he wasn't this angry.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job."

"That doesn't matter." Wade backed up Peter against the brick wall.

Peter stayed silent, gripping the stack of papers tightly against his chest.

"Answer me!" Wade grabbed Peter's shirt collar.

Peter flinched and closed his eyes, looking down. He knew Deadpool was dangerous, but this was terrifying.

Wade laughed, mockingly. "You're fucking worthless. I don't know how Spiderman even takes pity on you."

Peter could feel tears threatening to leak out of his eyes. But he kept them closed.

"Open your eyes, coward." Wade ordered, pulling Peter violently towards him.

Peter shook his head.

Wade growled he pushed Peter back against the wall.

Peter held back a groan as his head scraped against the wall.

"Honestly, how do you live with yourself? Mocking hero's who do so much for us to be safe. And you do this? If I were spiderman, I would've made your life miserable." Wade kneed Peter in the stomach, before walking the other way.

Peter's eyes opened in pain as he fell against the ground. The papers slipped and blew away instantly. He didn't move to pick them up. His arms wobbled and his vision blurred. A headache now sprouting throughout his body.

How was he ever supposed to get Wade to like him?

Peter walked home that night. Probably an hour and a half walk. He called in sick for the rest of his work day. J.J.J. was pissed at him, but let him go if he'd get more pictures of Spider-Man.

Peter cried the rest of the night. He felt terrible. He felt tired. He felt miserable. Peter took pain killers, but they didn't work. Tea didn't work, warm milk didn't work, a hot bath didn't work. He just sat in bed, finally falling asleep.

- next day -

Wade was looking for Spiderman the next evening. He was still angry from seeing Peter Parker hanging up those terrible fliers of Spiderman.

He sat on their usual rooftop and waited for Peter, who ended up an hour late. It didn't bother him.

"You monster." A voice spat behind Wade.

Deadpool turned around. Spider-Man.

"What?" He faltered.

"How could you do that?" Spider-Man was now in his face. "To Peter."

Wade's brows furrowed. "What do you mean? Parker? That puny thing? He's always writing bad stuff about you-"

"He takes my pictures, dumbass! That's it! He does it for money!" Spider-Man rubbed his forehead, his headache was coming back from yelling.

"I did you a favor!" Wade yelled back, his anger from last night surfacing.

"You broke his heart!" He yelled back, voice breaking.

Wade stopped. "What do you mean."

Spiderman froze. Shit. He wasn't supposed to know they were soulmates. "Uh-"

"He told you didn't he? That we were soulmates?!" Wade stuck a finger at the hero's chest.

"Wade.... I'm his only friend." Spider-Man whispered. "He doesn't have any family. I'm all he has to talk to."

Wade felt a little twinge of guilt, but quickly dismissed it. "No. You don't get to make me feel guilty in this situation."

"You should be. Peter has been my photographer for almost 6 years now. He's important to me."

Wade scoffed.

"What? You shouldn't feel bad at all? You're completely in the right?" Spider-Man started to get mad again. "Was it right to smash his head on the wall? Or bruise his stomach? Or call him weak and a coward? Wade you're his third soulmate. Third."

Wade completely froze in his tracks. "But-"

"No. Every time I talk to Peter he's talking about you. He believes in you. You crushed his heart. I hope you're happy, because that was my heart." And then he was gone.

Wade stood there, blankly, realizing what he had done.

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