Chapter Thirty-Three : Soulmate, Sole Mate, Stale Mate, Checkmate and Megan

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"So... I have to fall in love with Hazel... Or no one at all...?" I finally managed.

"I didn't say that. You could fall in love with anyone. But you can force two puzzle pieces to connect. Imperfect as they may be together, but they are together all the same... There is only one piece that will be perfectly fit to you. We call that a soulmate...

Libby is able to see two people and determine if they are soulmates or perfect rivals. And... That's why you and Hazel were shown to her... Hazel doesn't believe in it, and whether you do or don't is up to you. Fact is that you two are the only perfect puzzle pieces to each other"

"Oh..." I could only nod. "What did Libby have to say about Micha and Marley?" I tried to avert the attention so I could take in the fable.

"I can't tell. Kayla could, so could Micha, but I am not morally able to tell you what I know about your friends. I'm only telling you about Hazel because she is my family, and you are directly effected by it. The only soul pairs I can tell you about are you and Hazel, and Zee and Libby. The latter pair is open about it, so I could tell you" she shrugged. I would definitely be asking Micha about this.

I felt Megan press the brakes and bring us to a stop.

"Alright. I am not allowed to bring farther without some changes. One, I have to attach a breath module to my neck, so don't freak out, and it makes me sound a little weird. Just warning you" she held up a small black sleek semi sphere with a blinking red light on it. Once I nodded she pressed it to the side of her neck and the light turned blue, brightening and fading in sync with her breathing.

"Okay" she had a faint buzz, or hum, to her voice. "Now. I have to put something on your forearm so you can sign in and out of the N.S. which makes you an official regular visitor. Huzzah" she chuckled. "It is going to sting for a second, and you will want to put something over it so you don't scratch at it for the first few days. Cool?" She showed me a foot long strip of black line patterns. It looked kinda cool. She waited for my nod to hold it up against the palest part of my right forearm. "Say go and it activities" she hummed.

"Go?-Ouch!" I yelped when I sent a searing shock of pain up my arm for an instant. Megan ignored this in a doctor-like way and peeled off the strip, which now was only transparent. She took a small white strip and did the same. It hurt less this time, after I gave the go.

"Done. You now have a visitor level N.S. matrix in your arm. It gives you free wifi if you screw with it a little" she smirked with amusement. "It activities automatically when you wave it over a checkpoint. Or you could turn it on manually like so..." she slid her thumb lightly over the largest blue vein on my forearm, and the pattern from the strip glowed a faint blue. "Only accessible by N.S. Personnel, it will not activate unless it has a signal from the N.S., but you can access the wifi anywhere but where you pick up the N.S. signal" she smiled at me.

"And last by not least, I have to use your new mark -the thing on your arm- to activate a simulator. I just run a card over your arm and the next time you blink, when you open your eyes you will be in a full-sensory simulator. It's easier than blindfolding you. And more pleasant. Where would you like the sim to be set? I have beach, forest, and Vermont suburban to rural countryside" she chuckled "Hazel insisted on getting the Vermont one. She runs it whenever she needs to escape"

"Uh, Vermont..." I blushed a little. Stupid blood, giving me away. I just like Vermont. Beaches are too sunny, and forests are too... Constant.

"I figured. Here. It won't hurt at all" she pulled a clear plastic thing that resembled a credit card out of the center console. It had VT645-K2015 written on it below a black bar code. Megan pressed it against my wrist and I was suddenly not in the boring chaos of my hometown, I was in a quiet, natural, aromatic scene with mountains in the distance.

"Don't tell Hazel I let you use her key" I looked over and met Megan's eyes. Unchanged.

"This is really cool" I took in the fresh air.

"I know. Now, to me you look asleep. You have full range of mobility, but please stay in the car. You will not move in the real world, but I can still talk to you and from the database there is a Megan avatar who will act out what I'm saying" Megan chuckled.

"Could I get one of these sim things for personal use? Like could I just buy my own?" I feel the car start to move, and soon I have my head out the window, feeling the wind through my hair.

"They're called keys. You could buy a theme key for five dollars, or have a location key stamped for fifteen. There are also key kits that let you hack into the program and add stuff, costs about thirty dollars for a basic kit" I spent the rest of the drive enjoying the scenery, trying to take my mind off the past revelation.

**soooo... Do we think Marley and Micha are meant to be? Hope y'all enjoyed the keys bonus feature. I had no idea those even existed till Megan brought them up (in other words, it was a spontaneous idea that I liked). Tell me anything that come to mind after reading this. :) please?

The Night School  [GxG] [First Draft Edition]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant