Readers' Choice: That Moment... [EXPIRED]

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Alrighty, it's me again! First off, apologies for my slip up in accidentally publishing a beta chapter (and then taking it down and causing mass hysteria...), for this not being a chapter of the story, aaaand for something else I'll think of... Oh! The *insert another clever lesbian version of the term 'cock-block' here* in the last chapter. Sorry not sorry. It was fun for me to see you suffer ;*

Moving on.

I'll be totally honest.

I have no fucking clue what to do with the next chapter. I'm thinking it would be hilarious if I stalled the Grazel moment until chapter sixty-nine but even I can only slap so many fillers into a book. So, here's the question. Would you like me to:

1) Stall another chapter or two, maybe adding some follow up on Marcha/Michley (which I think, by the Kira Law of Ships, would technically be Michley) and other tricks I use to stall before the big moment. This may be a good thing or a bad thing.


2) We get right to the Grazel action. Probably in a multiple part sequence, we'll have birthday stuff and then smut stuff (and I do plan on adding a summary chapter for those of you who are physically unable to suffer through my likely failure at writing a sex scene/ are uncomfortable reading the material)

Yep that's basically it... Please gimme some opinion ASAP because I'm basically at a standstill with the story until my brain decides to function right.

Love y'all, hope you're having a good day/night/week/bla bla bla/ etc. and wishing you all a very happy new year! Or just a good year if you already celebrated another new year!

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