Chapter Seventy-One: Blue

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Megan ignored me for the rest of the night, hiding away in her room, chittering away to a person or persons not physically present there. And I knew better than to bother Megan when her door was closed.

Jamine wouldn't even look at me, which was surprising, considering she really had no business with Grace, aside from whatever scarce friendship they'd made on the rare occasion they were in close contact. That would have been hard, considering I had a tendency to keep Grace to myself when she was over. I could at least understand the reasoning and chance Megan had to build a friendship with Grace, but not Jamine. I decided to not bother wondering about the reason behind it.

I ended up laying in bed, watching whatever came on for hours, aching for a certain brunette to be back. I was, in fact, almost satisfied with the abrupt break in our relationship, at least that's what I told myself; it would give me a chance to reestablish my independence and recover from the ways Grace had attached herself to my mentality. Although, as of now, I'd made no progress and I felt the familiar pull to the human girl. More than usual. I craved the ability to touch her, and for her to touch me.

Eventually, I got deathly bored, and (after staring at the blue gift bag Grace gave me and ignoring my TV) decided that I'd look at what she got me.

I stood and grabbed the bag, brining it back to my bed. I was astonished (although realistically, I was not) by my interest in Grace's gift. I knew I felt an urge to sort out her feelings for me, gauge them in a format I understood rather than weigh them against this undefinable concept of 'love' that was still very much alien to me. With Megan, I had an h set standing as love being her willing to tolerate my mistakes and help me through everything, her being able to understand my thoughts.

With Grace it was bound to be different. According to Megan, I'd just know when I was in love. According to what I've gathered of Libby the Love Goddess, there's a lot of sex and other intimacy involved. I did follow the latter requirement wth Grace... But I didn't have any solid reference for the former criteria so I truly had no clue what I was meant to feel emotionally. In that case, I am not in love with Grace or anywhere near to it.

I've known few emotions fully (I'd never learned about feelings. While most humans and even most of my kind had been conditioned to rely on feelings to guide them, my experience was much the opposite) and I'd never been provided with a concrete definition matching the emotion to the cause to the cure to the physical symptoms of a feeling. As far I I was concerned, being around Grace made me experience different physical anomalies, which I decided were probably the emotions she transmit to me (Megan had once told me that feelings are communicative, so I suppose this would be that property at its finest).

I pulled myself away from the redundancy of my wondering. I tended to drift into thought at an increasing rate recently.

With a carefulness that I couldn't justify, I removed the pale blue tissue paper Grace had stuffed in the bag, almost obsessively flattening the sheet on my bed so I could lay the gift out in front of me.

The first thing I noticed was this black, soft-fur-coated, stuffed animal that appeared to be a cat. Around its neck was a blue (go figure- not that I minded) lace ribbon with a little silver charm on it; the charm seemingly not originally attached to the ribbon, so I assumed Grace had put it there herself for a reason. The little object was rectangular and shinny, with seven little stones in the center: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. In that order. She was making a gesture to the idea that I was gay, wasn't she? Regardless, it was a beautiful thing.

The cat plushy was also cute. It was completely black with (again, Grace had kept to her color scheme) deep blue eyes, its fur long and silky soft. It wasn't huge, it had fit in her bag, but it wasn't small either. I noticed Grace's scent clinging to it, making me relax as I breathed it in. A sharp prick of pain jolted through my ribs, so I reluctantly moved on to try and ease the ache.

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