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Hey, guess it's been a while. But it's spring where I am and I think it's about damn time I got myself back into gear and writing again.

So, the question comes down to you all; what would you like to see in a revised version of the Night School?

I want to hear ALL your feedback (as long as it's constructive, and even if it's negative)! If you don't know what I'm talking about, here are some aspects of the story I'd love for you to consider,  and if you can, help me improve. Remember, ANY feedback is welcome, so reply when you can, and if you have no opinion, that's fine too.

1. Your interest / emotional connection with characters, keep in mind, I will be going through my background characters and the ones that make no impact (i.e. Cael, Robyn, Kelse) will either be given a role (suggestions welcome!) or removed.

2. Your understanding of the plot, were you able to, for the most part, understand what was happening. Keep in mind: problem chapters like the Heart of Stone pair will be edited or prefaced so that you understand they will be confusing, or removed.

3. Are the characters realistic, if you were put in this scenario, would their reactions be wildly different from your own. Keep in mind: there are fantasy elements of the story, these are not considered unrealistic in this fictional universe.

4. Do you have an understanding of the environment the story takes place in. Keep in mind: specific location details (i.e. "this takes place in New York Deli on XY Street in New York, New York, on 22 January, 2017") are intentionally omitted as a stylistic choice in this version so that readers relate to it more, so if you live in, say, Australia, you can relate to a scene just as much as someone in, for example, England. Also, let me know if you prefer the vague dates, or specified dates.

5. Basic grammar, syntax, and language IN GENERAL. Keep in mind: because I am tearing the book up from the roots and replanting it, no original spelling errors will remain so COMPLETELY ignore individual spelling mistakes, unless a specific word is misspelled often enough to annoy you.

6. Was the story well paced, did I ever lose your attention or did you ever feel like I sped where I should not have.

7. Are there any scenarios you would like to see happen; I know there's a big demand for Michley's sex scene (you nasty homos lol I'll probby get to that but no promises aight), but what else would you like to see included? Give me little one-shot like prompts if you wish, maybe I can work them into the story somehow. Keep in mind: some character's situations will be changed (for example, the plan is to make Marley and Micha meet through Micha's sister; Megan and Hazel will both be attending school, etc.) so I may not be able to incorporate very specific prompts, but you're welcome to try me here!

8. Did you feel the character's personality was well represented in their narration. For example: in Hazel's chapters, she has a lot of thoughts that she dismisses, and she is much more reflective of Grace's humanity- does this make sense for her character?

9. Were there any plot holes you picked up on.

10. If you think of anything else, SPAM ME. this is your invitation to annoy the crap outa me until I post more chapters for you all so have at it!

Thank you for your hopeful cooperation ;)

P.S. Hope you enjoyed the Marley concept sketch above. She's easily one of my favorite characters ever.

The Night School  [GxG] [First Draft Edition]Where stories live. Discover now