Chapter Twenty-Three : Blame Game Jealousy

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First thing you should know is that today has been worst best day of my life. And the best worst day. Ugh. My life is a fucked up mess.

"So Hazel kissed you and just walked away?!" Cael stammered.

"No. Nope. No. No" Marley shook her head "I was there. There was feeling up involved too" she stated with both disbelief and exasperation.

"She what?! And you let her?!" Robyn almost screamed.

"Yes? No-I-uh-maybe-gah!" I hit my head on the frame of the chair I was sitting on.

"Why'd she kiss you?!" Cael spoke up. All the yelling wasn't exactly helping, but I couldn't really blame them.

"I don't know! It's Hazel!"

(At the Night School earlier that day)

"Okay. First stop. Locker rooms" Sara started walking. Marley and I exchanged a look before following after her. Hazel trailed behind silently. Zee and Sara also had a silent conversation before Zee lagged and started speaking with Hazel quietly.

"You two might need to know your way around. Having a concentrated area of connection with the N.S. tends to draw unwanted attention and the N.S.'s primary belief of that if you're going to involve yourself with it, you have to go as far as you can. You two might get into the physical combat level, but the farthest you can go is the heavy class" Sara explained "I don't really get it, but there is this cadet level system, and the level had access to different classes that have levels and for fucks sake it's impossible. You will probably get into the introductory weight class, information one, physical basics, and heavy class. The latter is basically a shooting range lesson"

"So you're telling me this is a school for guns and aliens?" Marley snorted.

"No. I'm telling you it's a school for protection. In theory anyway" Sara rolled her eyes. She lead us to the locker room, where I'd met Micha.

"Those are the locker rooms. Keep them clean or shit goes down" Sara stated with mild humor. "Zee, Hazel, where do we go next?" No reply, just a glare from Zee as Hazel stared blankly at nothing. "Nothing? Alright. We'll go to the light midrange room" Sara flicked her fingers in a gesture for us to follow.

She took us to a door at a floor lower than the one we were on first. Inside it were a bunch of people that looked a lot like Micha and Hazel. From the weird feeling I'm guessing they're all seconds. It's kinda cool. Kayla and Megan don't feel weird at all. Matter of fact, they feel really, really happy; like the Energizer bunny. Micha feels off. It's like she is always watching me and she always knows something I don't. Hazel is kinda an exception. She just feels -in a word- ugh.

"Move over, small people" Sara barged through the crowd and grabbed a set of daggers from the table in the center. She waited for the people on the range to collect before she took the next wave and stepped to a black line marked 'firing'. Zee held us at the 'spectating' line, which means we were still blocked by the people at the 'wait' line. Sara tossed her knife in her hand a few times before throwing it at the farthest target, hitting the mannequin square between the eyes. She empties her sheath of a total six arrows, now three mannequins fifty yards away had two knives impaled in them. Each had one between the eyes and one in its heart. Sara had a frown on her face when she walked back after collecting.

"That was a record high time. That sucked. These knives are not aerodynamic at all!" She growled, setting them on the table.

"Wow" Marley and I were gawking at her.

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