Chapter Thirty-Nine : Reunion

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"No. Way" Marley uttered as soon as she rounded the turn into our homework nook. I'd sent a text to Marley during the drive here, figuring it would be Micha driving her again, and told her I needed to talk to her girlfriend and to bring her into school today. So Micha was now standing next to Marley, looking between my ex and best friend worriedly.

"You know her?" Micha nudged Marley. I suppressed a laugh when Marley answered back with the same question.

"She's Grace's first ex" Marley replied.

"Wait, I thought you were straight?" Micha turned to Ana "I saw you with what's-his-face during your N.S. orientation. You have a serious crush, girl. Your hormones were out of whack" Micha snorted at the memory.

"I am straight. I realized I was straight during my relationship with Grace" Ana was blushing furiously. "How do you know me, again? I don't really remember you"

"Oh. Right. Manners. I'm Micha. I was the one who hosted your N.S. orientation with my sister. You probably remember Megan"

"Oh! Duh! No wonder you look familiar!" She chuckled nervously. "Wait, Grace said you two are dating" she pointed between my two friends.

"Mhm. And I didn't have to pay her to admit it" Marley teased, putting an arm around Micha's waist and kissing her quickly.

"So what's wrong with you? No sane being would ever date that kid" Tatiana poked Micha, nodding towards Marley. "No offence"

"Oh none taken, she's insane" "Rude" Micha and Marley replied at the same time. "Just remembered, Grace, you said you needed to talk to me? If this about Antony, I think neither of us need to hear that again" Micha continued and scratched her neck.

"Yeah" I got up "Marley, I'm borrowing your girlfriend. If Robbie and Cael come by, just keep them occupied with Ana. Feel free to interrogate her about her crush" I stated before beckoning her into one of the art rooms.

"Something to do with Marey, you're nervous, should I be scared?" She scowled, crossing an arm over her chest and resting the other on it.

"Yeah. So Megan explained the whole soulmate thing to me the other day-" she sighed, cutting me off.

"And you want to know what Libby said about me and Marley" she nodded slowly, exhaling again and dropping her gaze. "I really should have expected this" she chuckled, but her voice was dry of humor. "Yeah... Uh... No... No we're not soulmates" she rubbed her hand over the back of her neck again.

"But?" I felt my expression harden.

"But what?"

"You're still dating, so there has to be a but" I folded my arms, almost unconciously shifting to a slightly wider stance.

"There is no but... We're not soulmates" she lifted her stare to me, brow furrowed in confusion.

"Then why are you still dating her?" I tried to keep an even tone, but a little anger seeped into my voice. I really hoped I knew Micha well enough to know there had to be another side of the story, she couldn't just be dating my best friend to make up for a soulmate she hasn't found yet. Even so, I wasn't exactly pleased.

"Megan didn't explain that to you, did she?" I caught a flicker of understanding in her eyes, but she covered it up. I didn't react so she went on talking, "soulmates are the best case senario. Most people don't find theirs. And even some who do don't take the oppourtunity" she sighed "I'm not going to say I'm in love with Marley. I'm not. But I do like her, maybe some day I could, but not today. If I find my soulmate, I don't know. Maybe I never will, maybe they won't be what I want" she tilted her head. "I did promise you I would do whatever I could not to hurt her. I intend on keeping that promise" with that we were silent for a long time. I drew my breath, about to dismiss us, but a high, feminine shreik beat me to it.

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