Chapter Twenty-Eight : Devil in the Details

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"You're not actually serious, right?" Marley gaped at Micha. I had been right and Marley had forgotten everything. One look and Micha and I had agreed to mess with her. It's always easy because Mar always remembers going to sleep and waking up, just nothing in between.

"No. You told me to go away and get you chocolate" I was trying desperately to keep up my blank.

"Babe, you really don't remember anything?" Micha hadn't shown a single flaw in her act. The girl had skills.

"No!" Marley whimpered. "So... You're only coming to school with me cause I bribed you? And you wanted to talk about something and-actually I would have said the chocolate thing. But I bribed you?"

"No. Not really. And Grace has something to talk to us about so hush" Micha kissed her victoriously. "You telling Hazel or what?"

"What's the question in question about Grace's girlfriend?" Marley glared at Micha for a few moments, playfully, but lent her attention to the conversation when Micha laughed.

"Not my girlfriend" I corrected flatly.

"But you wish she was"

"Debatable. And yes... I think I should try to talk to her" there's something about being congratulated by the other two that makes me not want to do it..

"So why the sudden change of Grace?" Marley tilted her head a little.

"I had a dream about her..." I blushed.

"Okay then" Marley made it sound like the other kind of dream you have about someone.

"No, you idiot. Not like that"

"Thank heaven. I so didn't need that image... On second thought... It was kinda hot" Micha whacked her girlfriend upside the head. "Ouch! You're still hotter!" She put her hands up in surrender.

"Why are you my girlfriend?" Micha rolled her eyes teasingly. "Do you have a plan or is it just on spot?"

"Dunno. I don't know what Hazel will say or do, so I guess I'll just try and be ready for anything" I shrugged.

"Uhuh, sure. She doesn't exactly strike me as the talk-it-out type" Marley snorted "so, what are you trying to get out of taking to that biatch?"

"An answer. I want to know why she kissed me. From her"


"So this is what you people do? All day?" Micha groaned and fell into line beside Marley as we walked to the nook. "How do you survive?!" She breathed exasperatedly. "And why did I agree to this?!"

"Technically Marley agreed to it for you" I sighed. We rounded the turn into the art wing (where our corner was hidden) and found a raven haired teen standing with her back to us, looking out the large window.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Nutmeg" Micha snorted teasingly and threw her bag beside a couch. She sat with her legs and arms crossed on the seat and smirked at the familiar girl. The adolescent turned our way with a half surprised look.

"Do I want to know why you're here?" The Hazel-double rolled her eyes.

"Marley. And I'm pretty sure you are out of place here too"

"Right. Hazel is out all week, I basically have too much time on my hands and felt like filling in" she shrugged. "In related news, Hazel isn't going to be here this week. She is doing some N.S. stuff" Megan turned her gaze on me.

"Like what?" I asked absentmindedly. Figures she'd only give me a break when I go looking for her.

"That, my dear, is unfortunately not for you to know. She isn't doing anything dangerous, just something that I don't have permission to tell you about" she frowned. "That's about it. I am going to go before I make this awkward" Megan mused before starting to walk away.

"Woah. Back here" Micha snorted. "Grace is in need of advice"

"Wh-no I'm good" I waved away the question.

"I need popcorn" Marley smirked and took a seat beside her girlfriend.

"What did she do this time?" I took the double across from Marley and Micha, Megan the single beside them.

"She didn't tell you?" Micha laughed harder when Megan shook her head. "This day might be worth the boredom"

"How bad was it?" Megan groaned "if she broke anything, I will make her pay it back"

"They made out" Marley grinned.

"Marley!" I shrieked, my face heating dangerously.

"Oops" she cackled.

"She what? You're messing with me, right? Please, please tell me she didn't" the younger girl put her head in her hands "now I know why you were so worked up when I came by the other day... God. I am so done with baby sitting her. How am I going to deal with this?" She grumbled to herself with a strained look.

"That's what I was hoping you could help with" I let out a deep sigh.

"I'm so sorry... God damn it... What do I do... This is not good" Megan continued talking to herself, biting the tip of her nail. "What did she say, how'd she act, tell me everything" she set a very stressed gaze onto me.

"Uh... She said something about me not doing something with Marley?" I drew a full blank once again.

"How'd she say it? Was she blaming you? Did she sound, I don't know, wounded or confused or was she just angry?" Megan failed at hiding how badly she was freaking out.

"Definitely blame" I answered despite my confusion.

"Oh my god..." She groaned. "I take it all back. Do not let her get to you. Do not encourage her. Just don't give her any leverage. I have to go" Megan stood and in the blink of an eye had run out of sight.

"What. The. Hell?" Marley blinked. Micha was staring through me with a -kind of scary- blank expression.

"What's that look for?" Micha snapped out of her trance.

"Thinking. I have a really bad feeling that that had something to do with their sister" she murmured skeptically. "Don't take my word for it but the things I've heard about Alexa generally hint that she abused a lot of people. And I know Hazel was her puppet for most of their life. My best guess is that Megan is worried about the way Hazel is pursuing her goal. I think Megan is afraid she'll do what Alexa has done. You can see why Megan would be that bothered by it" I nodded. If the girl's name caused Hazel to throw a fit, I hardly want to know what she's like in person. "You should definitely listen to Megan. She knows Hazel better than anyone, and she does have both of your best interests at heart"

"God, this is way too serious" Marley muttered. "Why not just get Megan to talk?"

"She doesn't talk about Alexa. That information is available through Hazel. I don't think anyone can get it out of her"

"That's a given" I let out a long breath. "Why the heck is this even happening? I mean how many people are in this situation? Can't be many... Why the heck did it have to be me?"

"That is a good question. Take it up with a philosopher" Micha snorted.

"I don't know about you two, but I think I am going to go bother the dude cliques that can't get dates. Come on, Micha. They each owe me money for betting that I couldn't get any sane attractive person to date me" Marley picked up her backpack and pulled Micha with her. "Bye, Grace" I rolled my eyes and started on some homework, the recent ordeal with Megan sending me more red flags than usual in the back of my mind.

**Once again this one got a bit off course, but it will still work well with my master plan... what do we think of Megan's freak out?

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