Chapter Forty : Calm Before the Storm

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"Levison!" Marley called loudly as the three of us -Ana, me, and my obnoxiously vociferous best friend- entered Ms. Levison's classroom. The older woman jumped and threw a glare at Marley before she returned to doing something on the podium beside the class' smart board.

"You do realize that I have control over your homework now, right, Marley?" She murmured.

"Yes, but you're going to have to grade whatever extra work you give me" Marley sang happily, her bag dropping with a loud thud as she took her seat.

"Marley Davis; absent unexcused" Ms. Levison copied Marley's sing-song jeer. Meanwhile I sat down in my usual seat on the hallway side of the room, at one of the two tables on this side of the room that no one ever sat at but me. Marley had at one point but the teacher quickly moved her to the table in the center of the other tables that formed a U shape around it.

"Hey! You're not allowed to do that!" Marley protested as people started trickling into the room, coming in, sometimes, awkwardly, as if interrupting a conversation. Others just sat eagerly to watch the show.

"Oh?" Ms. Levison challenged.

"Yeah. I looked it up in the school policy last time my English teacher tried to mark me wrong" the brunette put her feet up on the chair next to her. "B.T.W. Micha will not be here for class"

"And I need to know this why?" Marley rolled her eyes at the question. "Oh..."

"There it is" Marley cackled when Ms. Levison saw Micha's name on the attendance screen. Apparently she could hack into the school. She had to go buy the school supplies, so she isn't here.

"Alright! Class has started!" Ms. Levison called, ignoring Marley's gloating grin. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Dr. Levison. If you're Marley, shut up; Grace, you already know me; and Tatiana" the girl's eyes widened. Now this is severely cliché, but she looked like a deer about to be hit by a car. Or bus. Or train. Or pain. "Boys, you should all know that she is my daughter and I am in charge of the seating chart and you really don't want me to screw you over" Ana groaned and lay her head on her open notebook. "And frankly she is way out of your league"

"Shut up, mom" Ana moaned.

"Levison! You forgot to mention that Grace is her ex-girlfriend!" Marley might as well bury me now. God knows this will be the gossip of the day. Teacher's daughter and the most well known lesbian in the school. And God knows Hazel isn't going to like it.

"Marley!" Ana and I said together, then exchanged groans. The synchronized speaking didn't bode well for the believability of our relationship.

"Oh, and you probably shouldn't bring it up to Hazel if you value your ribs, arms, neck, legs, hands, or balls. I assure you that no matter how big you think they are, Hazel's anger management issues are a lot bigger" my ex-best friend added cheerily.

"Girl issues" One of the guys whistled.

"I broke up with her!" "I still don't like Hazel!" Ana and I exclaimed.

"Hazel's hot as fuck" another guy suggested.

"No shit, bro. And have you seen her abs? Damn" another put in.

"How did you see her-" they just kept going.

"She wore one of those really tight tanks. I swear I saw her n-" ms. Levison cleared her throat loudly. The guy skipped the word, but continued "go hard" he finished.

"Alright. I think that's enough of that from you dickheads" Marley sighed "and you wonder why only your parents pretend you're going to get a date"

"Never thought I'd agree with you, Davis. Now if we're done thought-raping Hazel, how many of you actually know what unit of roman history we're studying?" Ms. Levison rolled her eyes.

"Julius Caesar" one of the girls answered while the guys kept whispering. Gossip much?

. . .

So the class was okay, and so were the rest of that day's classes, but apparently I wasn't going to be in my last class because someone kidnapped me. Take a guess. One minute I'm getting stuff from my locker to meet my group in our last block, the next I'm in the back seat of Megan's car. I have no idea how no one noticed me missing.

**Yes. This is a filler. Utterly useless for all but plot progression. I have something big coming up. Next chapter is going to be very exciting so don't hate on me, Kay? I still have supreme power over the publish button, remember ;) love y'all

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