Chapter Seventy-Seven: Confession

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"Hazel." The older girl greeted brusquely as I boarded the passenger seat of her car. It smelt strongly of her, but also of Marley, the various materials of the Night School, cleaning spray, and a little bit of Grace, too.

"Micha." I replied with the same emotionless tone. Boredly, I crossed the seatbelt over my chest and clicked it into its port.

Shrugging, Micha pulled out of my driveway and pressed a few buttons on the dashboard before quiet music began playing. She murmured the lyrics as she drove. I surveyed her car, having nothing better to do with myself. I got bored with it very quickly. So I challenged myself to study Micha without letting her know what I was doing.

She had a small burn on her arm, probably from her work at the N.S. (I had heard about her having a mishap from Megan as we'd waited for her to pick me up). There were a few scrapes on her biceps and neck, along with some faded bruises dotted all over her skin. I could easily guess what had caused them.

"Do I have anything interesting on my face there, Zel?" Micha kept her eyes forward but they hardened a little more.

"Your girlfriend was pretty rough with you, no?" I partially scowled, partially smirked. Micha licked her lips, a slight crease forming on her brow as her lips thinned.

"Yes." She closed the topic very quickly. "If you don't mind, my sex life isn't really your business, and I'd rather you not talk about it." She snapped with sudden sharpness. I snorted with indignation at her temperamental attitude.

"Alright. Although I hardly see why you're getting so worked up over it."

"Because I love my girlfriend and you're trying to make the fact that we had sex seem comical. It wasn't. Don't treat it that way." She sighed exasperatedly at me.

"Okay." I stated just to get her off my back. I didn't understand people. This was why I preferred to keep my business my own. That and everything else. It also made me miss Grace again. She was in love with me yet she had no problem with my teasing her about her passing out or the comicality of the moment. She was a happy girl. Micha was too much like me for my liking. Too generic.

"We're here." The girl grumbled as she parked at a small building off an intersected dotted with local shops. The store we were closest to had huge glass windows and a beautiful array of colorful flowers in little shelf-like structures out in front.

"Look," the older girl abruptly locked the doors, sighing and leaning her head back. Her head rolled a little to set her stony eyes dead onto mine. Micha had strange eyes for our race. "I want to start clean with you. Your soulmate is practically joined by the hip to the girl I'm in love with, so I don't think that conflict between us is good. Especially when I barely know why you have such animosity for me in the first place." Her eyes twitched around my expression to trace subtle behavioral changes.

"I'd really prefer you not talk about her." I cringed.

"Marley? Grace? Why?" She frowned.

"No. The other one. Her. You know why I don't like you. Please don't talk about her." I snapped without a care for my shortness. I knew Micha could handle my fire. And she did.

"My soulmate." The older girl pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows distastefully.


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