Deleted Cache No. 3: Dc

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When I opened my eyes the world was dark. And there were cold trails over my face. My chest ached and I remembered my dream.

I was crying.

I curled up and cried out my frustrations. Holding nothing back. Not a single tear, not a single sound.

Eventually I was done venting, had fallen into a sleep haunted by the ghosts of the last, I woke to a dark morning sky feeling awful. I was nauseous and dizzy from sleep deprivation. My eyes feel swollen and stung to touch.

I really, really don't like Hazel right now. I'd be happily dreaming of TV shows if not for her and everything else she's brought. I'm sure Marley would have found a girlfriend anyway.

Fumbling around my nightstand, I grabbed my phone and called Marley. I was only slightly fazed by the thought that she and Micha could be having an alone moment right now, and I don't think they would appreciate me dragging them down with my problems.

"Grace?" Marley did pick up eventually. "It's like three in the morning" she mumbled.

"Sorry..." I tried to smooth out my voice, but to no luck.

"What'd you call 'bout?" She sighed loudly, a yawn followed.

"Bad dream"

"Some dream, to wake me up" she mused sarcastically.

"It was about Hazel..." my teeth cut into my lip. I hated how real it had been. I hated how it was so easy to love the Hazel in my mind. I hated that I'd been so easily fooled; nothing like that could ever be made from Hazel and I.

"Mar... Who are you talking to?" Micha's voice surfaced. Her voice was tired too, but she sounded like she was used to it.

"Grace had a bad dream" Marley grumbled.

"Let me talk to her. Go back to sleep, baby" my free hand tightened on my sheets. Even that reminded me of my nightmare.

"What's up?" Micha's voice filled the line, Marley, I would guess, had gone back to sleep.

"How the hell can I forget Hazel?" My nails were digging into the palm of my hand, the din of jumbled emotions and thoughts was giving me a bad headache.


"That, my dear, is why you-" she pointed to Micha "-and you-" she pointed at Marley and I "-are coming with me to the N.S. tonight. Libby is giving herself a leave, and Zee is busy with something regarding her younger sister... If you're wondering, Sara is out for her daughter's thing, and that leaves Riley giving you the entry level crash course in Irregulars. Surprise?" She had a weird amused-slash-confused look while she waved her shook her hands slightly.

"Okay..." Marley and I exchanged a look.

"Hazel coincidentally vanished just when they get-" Micha snorted.

"No. It's not a coincidence. Riley didn't want Hazel around to complain about it. She got sent to check on some

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