Deleted I Don't Know No. 1: ---

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I felt Marley getting tired, her head dipped onto my shoulder without her noticing. I was so tempted to take her waist in my arm and pull her closer. I settled with settling into our position.

"Marley..." I whispered, afraid to upset the serene beauty of the silence between us. She sighed lightly in response, but it was still somehow cute. I turned my head a little and touched my forehead to hers. At first she flinched, then was confused, then she sighed again and responded happily.


"Grace..." Hazel muttered as I touched my nose to her jaw. She smelled so good. Like her jasmine tea and the fresh mint scent she naturally possessed. Mmm... there go the hormones again. I start kissing her throat. "Grace" she breathed in deeply and relaxed under my touch. I took the tv remote out of her hand and put her hand on my hip. She didn't hesitate to secure me with her other hand and pull me firmly against her.


The Night School  [GxG] [First Draft Edition]Where stories live. Discover now