Chapter Twenty-Two : Explains A Lot

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"Alright here comes the super fun explaining time. Zee do the thing" Sara plopped herself down in the passenger seat and closed her door loudly.

"Yeah, yeah" Zee took her seat and started driving before she started speaking. "Okay. So. First and foremost, you should know that the way we operate is completely different from whatever the hell the Night School wants. We think that you have some right to know what is going on. On our side of the fence, anyway" she started, taking a deep breath.

"You notice our accents are different from the agents. That's because we originated from different locations, but still have the same base accent. Ours are more Egyptian because we are from Egypt. Not many of us still stay there, but our accents are actually genetic, not just habitual.

Now comes the unbelievable part. There really isn't any other way but direct to tell you. But long story short, we're not human. We're not aliens, we've just evolved differently from humanity" there was something in the air, making me hypnotized, believing and trusting in every word the brunette said.

"In more detail, we have superhuman capabilities, and some of us have completely different psychology. Sara, Libby and I are just about the best examples of pure blooded, capable representatives of our kind.

A lot of us identify as one Egyptian God or Goddess, since the Egyptian deities were the first recorded examples of the supremes of our kind. If you identify with the God Seth, you are of the Patron Seth. The deities are our Patrons, generally speaking. There are those of us who have inherited the liniage, the Patronage of a deity, and we'd be, for example, the Patron Isis. That is me. I am, in effect, the goddess of magic, healing, and maternal bonds" woah? I knew it couldn't be, but I couldn't help but believe it. Whatever was poisoning the air was screwing with my mind.

"I am the Patron Bastet. Goddess of protection, loyalty, and cats" Sara spoke up. Zee took back the figurative microphone.

"And Libby is the Patron Hathor-Sekhmet. Goddess of love, hate, cows, lions, and-"

"She's the primary goddess of sex and libido" Sara snickered.

"Yeah. I was going to say intimacy, but Sara likes to think I am married to the sex goddess"

"Is that why there has been so much talk about sex recently?" Marley wondered aloud.

"When Libby gets involved in something, she generally makes everyone effected horny, or just Zee, but she generally does make people talk about sex more... No idea why. When people interact with her, sex is most likely to pop up into conversation afterwards" Sara snorted.

"Yeah. Anyway. we each have very different mental bearings. I am ever an optimist, Sara is a severe helicopter mom, and Libby... What isn't special about Libby?" Zee sighed.

"You're a mother?!" Marley and I exclaimed.

"When your species is dying out, your body instincts kinda make you want children as soon as possible. Yes. I have a daughter. And a husband. Zee has a wife. She would have kids if Libby wasn't such a Libby" Sara sighed casually.

"Hilarious, Sara"

"It's true. I bet Naomi has kids before she turns eighteen"

"You had Hope at eighteen"

"Yeah, but Caden issues, war issues, Naomi also has a very weak will when it comes to these things"

"Ugh! We're off topic! Focus!" Zee redirected. "Anyway, now you know. I can tell you that nobody in the Night School's training program is like us. We are responsible for our own. The School itself keeps its information classified, but you should know that the only other one of us in there this far is Riley"

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