An Olive Branch

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"Back up pebble!" Shindou turned abruptly and once more slammed his free hand on the ground and activated his quirk. The ground before him shuddered and destroyed the floor below the enemies to stop them in their tracks. "Sorry my limbs are still numb." He mumbled defeated. There wasn't too much else he could do.

Spinel helped him back up again, careful not to jostle him too much. Despite Shindou's resistance to soundwaves and vibrations, his brain still got scrambled every time he used his quirk. As far as Spinel was aware, it wasn't a pleasant feeling when overused.


Shouto and Inasa lay on their stomachs immobile from the attacks. If they had realized their faults earlier, they wouldn't have injured their teammate, and they would have had an easier time holding off Gang Orca. For the first time since meeting one another the pair were on the same wavelength. If the heat makes the wind rise, then just attack from below. Shouto cloaked Inasa in flames as he used his wind to direct them. A spiral of heat soon burst into a flaming column encircling and trapping Gang Orca.

They say that pounding rain hardens the ground. They realized their own mistakes and tried to fix things. Albeit a bit late. But I have to say, I'm impressed with their persistence. Gang Orca braced himself for the pair's joint attack.


"Hey, calm down. Is it ok if I use my quirk on you? I can help you calm down."

The panicked child nodded "Yes, please"

Shinsou activated his quirk and gently tugged on the invisible thread. "Take a deep breath, In for three seconds and out for three seconds." It wasn't long before Shinsou deactivated the quirk now that the civilian was calm. He picked up the child and brought him to the makeshift infirmary. He had heard the explosion earlier and stayed as part of the rescue crew. Once the 'villain' attack started, the 'civilians' started going into a panic attack like state to make it harder on the rescue team. It was the second half of the test where Shinsou's quirk really shined.

Every time before using it he would need to ask and get affirmation, but that was just a small inconvenience that could be easily ignored as he brought in more and more civilians. For the longest time he hated his ability, but it was times like this where he was grateful for it. "I wonder how everyone else is doing"


"A red-hot prison of fiery wind. That's a decent idea." Gang Orca poured a large bottle of water over himself to keep from dying out in the flames. "If I was a regular villain, I might just surrender and beg for mercy. But unfortunately for you, I already had my next move prepared." Gang Orca let out a high-pitched screech using his quirk and freed himself from the attack. "What now, Heroes?"

Like many times before a flash of green lightning came down from the sky at record speed as a kick collided with Gang Orca's block.

Izuku. It's always you.

An ear-piercing buzzer rang throughout the arena. "Hello, It's me again. Every last member of the HUC has been rescued from danger. Therefore, I declare this test over! The results will be announced once all the scores are tallied. Those with injuries please proceed to the medical area. Everyone else, get changed and stand by for instructions."

- ----ONE HOUR LATER-----

"Shouto, I said it's fine already! See, I'm all healed!" Spinel grinned as she attempted to ease Shouto. It was only natural he would feel bad that his attack hit her, but it wasn't just his fault. She was kinda upset at the time but in the end, she got over it. Injuries happen in the field and that's normal. "If you are really sorry, then next time focus on the mission more and don't let anyone get hurt, ok?"

Shouto nodded before Spinel gave him a quick hug. "I'm glad, you know?"

"About what?"

"You were able to keep your composure for a pretty long time despite Inasa aggravating you." Spinel giggled a little before she released him. "It would have been far worse if it was the you before the sports festival."

"Uh, are you free to talk?"

Spinel and Shouto turned to the familiar voice. There was an awkward silence before Shouto nudged Spinel so she could fish for a reply. "Oh, yeah sure."


Spinel waved bye at Shouto before she caught up with Shinsou's pace. They walked in silence for a while before they reached a secluded area. By the time the pair arrived the air around them was so brittle it could snap. No one spoke for a long time. Spinel could feel the fear in her chest wanting to take over. What was he going to say? What was there even to say? She didn't know what would happen and at this point she wasn't sure if she even wanted to know. The more anxious she became the more unsettled she felt.

"So. How have you been?" Shinsou said lamely as he started the conversation.

"I'm good. And you?" She replied politely.

"Just fine." Shinsou knew he was just buying time for him to have the courage to speak up. There were lots of things he wanted to say but he wasn't sure how. His nerves all bundled together as they sparked in different directions. He decided to go from the top of the list. "Tell me honestly, was I just a replacement for Shindou?"

Spinel froze. What? She furrowed her brow trying to find out why he would even consider that. "You aren't a replacement. What the hell are you talking about?" Spinel kept her voice low; she could see where he might have gotten the idea from. Their names were one letter apart and considering she ran away never to see Shindou again -supposedly-, it was only natural he would come to that conclusion. But that didn't mean it hurt any less. "Do you really think me so shallow?" She whimpered looking down at her feet. Once again, her emotions turn jagged and her insides tight, "Is that all you wanted to know?" She clipped the end of the sentence already wanting the conversation to end.

Shinsou immediately tried to salvage the conversation before Spinel would fully retreat again. "No, I wanted to talk to you about...about what happened a while back." His throat felt dry as he pressed on further. "And now I finally have a response for it." Shinsou stood on the brink of something he couldn't describe. The weight of his words crashing down on his shoulders.

As much as Spinel wanted to run and leave things how they are she needed to hear this. She needed to quell her inner thoughts so she could stop feeding her inner demons.

"I-I don't really approve of what you did and what you are doing."

Spinel pursed her lips, what was I even expecting?

"But. I can understand where you are coming from." Shinsou continued. There was no stopping now. "I won't out you on whatever situation is going on, but if someone explicitly asks me. I will tell them."

Spinel looked up at him confused yet hopeful. He wasn't going to expose her, which was nice, and it made sense that he would tell if someone asked. Essentially this was the best possible outcome she could hope for. No, the second-best outcome.

"And I..." Shinsou rubbed the back of his neck before he looked her dead in the eyes. "I really enjoyed being friends with you. And I miss that. I'm sure Mei does too. So, uh what I'm trying to say is, do you want to start over again?"

There was a long silence. The tension in the room once more skyrocketed even higher. Spinel was at a loss for words as she tried to process what had just transpired. Shinsou was willing to put all her baggage to the side and try to start over.

"What do you say, Kitty cat?"

Spinel's ears tingled at the nickname she hadn't heard in so long. But now, did she deserve the olive branch that Shinsou so graciously offered. She didn't tell him about Dabi, and she had no intention to. If he were to ask probing questions, then all she could do was lie in response. Can a friendship be built off that? You did it before, what's the problem? The little voice in her head reminded her.

Was she horribly selfish? The answer is yes.

Was she greedy for things she didn't deserve? Also, yes.

Was she going to lie and withhold information about Dabi being her brother? Yes.

I have been given more blessings than I feel worthy of. "If it's ok with you...I'd like to be your friend again."

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now