Un-skippable Training Montage

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"Firecracker help meeee!" Spinel wailed tangled on the ground with the yoyo strings. "I'm stuck."

Dabi took out his phone, snapped a photo and saved it "Heh"

"Noooo, Firecracker delete it"

"No" Dabi smirked before he took pity on her and untangled the string.

Spinel had been practicing how to effectively use her new weapons, about 75% of the time she was successful, the other 25% ended up with her stuck somewhere. Since declaring she wanted to be a hero Dabi increased her training to four days a week, leaving the other three days for Mitzi to teach and do self-study. Spinel wasn't academically challenged but she also hadn't gone to school or actively learned anything other than practical street skills for the past year and a bit.

Which brought them to their next problem. Schooling and official family documents. Spinel needed a guardian to live with that weren't her fake deceased parents. The pair had paid Giran for a fake transcript saying that she had been homeschooled and an ID for Dabi as Spinel's biological brother. They didn't exactly look alike but they did share some similarities. Their relaxed standing posture, clothing tastes, piercings and penchant for trash talk were hopefully enough to sell their legitimacy. Spinel was like a mini Dabi -much to Giran and Mitzi's dismay.


Spinel sat in the shade on the rooftop of one of the smaller skyscrapers. She had just finished a short job that required her to drop off some documents, once she completed her task; Spinel decided to take a break on the roof, it was a beautiful day. Just as she was about to nod off there was a loud whoosh and the familiar sound of someone landing. She jolted awake and snuck a peak around the corner of the roof where she sat hidden, her yoyos ready if she needed to defend herself.

OH MY GOD IT'S ALL MIGHT! She screamed internally. He wasn't her favorite hero, but he was the number one hero. She snuck around for a closer look keeping herself as small as possible hiding her presence. Oh? What's this? It was a fluffy green haired boy. She couldn't really see his face from where she was, but she assumed by his uniform that they were at least close to the same age.

Thankfully, it seemed like neither the hero nor the boy noticed her. Wait, why am I hiding? I haven't done anything bad, today at least. Just as Spinel was going to show herself All Might deflated. Spinel was speechless. She had no idea what to do. The muscular, invincible symbol of peace turned into a sickly-looking twig.

Spinel was sure that she witnessed something that she shouldn't have. So, instead of showing herself she stayed silent and retreated into her hiding spot a little more. The green-haired fanboy looked like he was having a day. Not a very good one. She genuinely felt bad for this boy.

The pair began to converse and Spinel strained her ears to try and catch some words. She shouldn't have listened into the pair's conversation; she was well aware. However she was just too curious.

"Pool... time. My organs" The deflated hero started. "-injured. Dangerous"

Spinel tried to move a little closer, couldn't quite hear the middle of his explanation. Filling in the blanks, Spinel concluded that All Might was probably involved in a villain fight that left him injured to this day. She couldn't really place where 'pool' came into the conversation though. She couldn't quite catch all the words due to the wind's blowing; but she could hear enough to piece together the gist of the conversation. As if on cue the wind stopped, briefly allowing her to hear the last part with startling clarity. Spinel was appalled at what she had heard.

"Can I be a hero? Even if I'm quirkless?" The green haired boy asked, his eyes pleading.

"To be a hero you need power." All Might started.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now