Go Big or Go Home

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"Hey, hun. It's time to wake up or you're gonna be late" Mitzi shook the girl gently to wake her up. She heard grumbling and smiled. "I made breakfast~" She said in a sing-song voice. Mitzi walked back to the kitchen and set the table placing two slices of bacon on each plate, a spoonful of scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. Mitzi heard the shuffling of blankets and pillows but what she didn't hear was when the girl walked into the kitchen. She was able to move with a little too much silence in her step. Despite now it was daytime and the girl didn't seem as frightened, she still had practically zero presence. It was almost like she wasn't there.

"Thank you" The girl mumbled before she took a big mouthful of food. "It's very yummy."

Mitzi grinned as she ate her share "Thanks hun. I appreciate the company" The two chatted at the table enjoying the food and atmosphere, Spinel slowly started to wake up a little, enough to hold a proper conversation and conscious thought. Once they both finished the meal Spinel insisted on helping Mitzi with the dishes. It was the least she could do after eating her food and staying the night. Mitzi looked at the clock and by the time they finished cleaning up it was already six forty-five. "Are you ready to go? We should probably start walking now."

Spinel collected all her stuff -which wasn't very much- and was at the door not even a minute after Mitzi was out. They locked the door and together they started their stroll through the grimy alleyways. Just like Mitzi had said, it took ten minutes on the dot. They said their goodbyes with a promise for Spinel to text her from time to time so Mitzi could have peace of mind that she was indeed alive. What could she do? Mitzi was invested in the teenager's safety now.

Spinel sent a text to Mitzi's number,

Spinel: Hey! It's me. You can save my number under Spinel!

Spinel has changed her username to "Let Gem Sleep"

Let Gem Sleep: Thank you for letting me stay btw

Spinel put her phone away again not waiting for the reply. She entered the Tattoo parlor a little more timidly that she would have liked. She wasn't sure what she was expecting but it definitely wasn't this. The parlor was all punk, like hot topic threw up on it kinda punk. From the dark walls to the spray-painted graffiti art, it was a place a person could reinvent themselves. Either for aesthetic purposes to have a little more confidence or in her case, to remove as much as her former self as she could.

Hung on the dark walls were different types of artwork done by the different tattoo artists employed in the store. Spinel walked up to the empty counter and looked around. "I'll be with you in a second!" A short muscular man called out from the back of the store before he came to the counter. "What brings you all the way over to this part of town sweet stuff. You don't seem like the type to wander over to these parts."

"Um... I'm supposed to meet someone here...circle glasses, goes by Giran." Should I tell him about the intestine scarf too? Spinel mused seriously considering it.

"AH! Yes. You must be his new hire he was talking about. Just call me Nathan or Nat is fine too, whichever you prefer" He held his hand out for a shake exposing his tattooed arm. The art was phenomenal. He gave the most positive happy vibes Spinel had felt in a long time. It was practically coming off him in waves. She took his hand and shook it, a shy smile in return.

I mean I wasn't planning on getting a tattoo, but these are really making me reconsider. Spinel found it a little unsettling that everyone she had met in the past few hours was, by default, on a first name basis with each other, however, at the same time it did make sense, seeing as they don't all live as perfect law-abiding citizens. That and maybe they just don't care about formal mannerisms enough to bother. The people living in this area probably have more important things to focus on. "Spinel. Pleasure to meet you Nat!" She chirped, mirroring his excitement.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now