Not a Real Hero

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"A child wearing a suit. Who are you?" Stain asked as he held the tip of his sword to Iida's face.

Iida stood up slowly still looking Stain dead in the eye. "I'm the younger brother of the hero you attacked. I am here to stop you in his place." He grit his teeth, "So remember my name for as long as you live. I am Ingenium, the hero who will defeat you!" He started his engines and propelled himself and his kick forward at Stain's gut.

Stain fought the urge to roll his eyes. Another fake hero in the making, maybe I'll pull this one out by the roots. "The brother of Ingenium is it? Since that's the case. Die." Stain leapt forward and dived over Iida and kicked his spiked boots into Iida's shoulder between the metal plates. "I only let him live to spread my message." Stain used the spikes to pull Iida face first into the ground and pinned under his foot. "You're weak." Stain took his katana and stabbed it into Iida's other shoulder, a spray of blood pooling on the floor under him. "Weak, just like your brother. Both of you are fakes."

Iida clenched his teeth trying to force out words instead of sounds of pain. "My-my brother Is paralyzed from the waist down. He can't ever be a hero again." Fat angry tears of frustration rolled down Iida's cheeks. He felt so powerless, "Tensei is an excellent hero who has saved more people than you'll ever know. He is my hero. He gave me a dream to live for!" Iida glared angrily at the floor as he struggled to clench his fist. "I'll kill you!"

"Why don't you save that guy first?" Stain pointed at the pro hero slumped on the alley wall. "As a hero you should reflect on yourself and save others by putting them first. But you didn't notice Native there did you? You are so focused on your revenge and hatred that you forgot one of the most important things about being a hero." Stain slowly pulled his sword out keeping his foot on Iida's head. "You are nothing like a hero. And that's why... "Stain licked his blood covered sword and activated his quirk. "You'll die."

Iida felt a shiver go through him, a sinking feeling in his stomach. He couldn't move. He couldn't do anything. He failed from the start. Memories of his smiling brother ran through Iida's mind.


"We can both become great heroes together."

"I don't have people following me. They support me to be the best hero I can be."

"I admire people who do even the little things to help others without reward."


Iida shook away those memories. If he was going to die here, then at the very least he would voice his sorrows. "No matter what you say, no matter what you believe, you are still the criminal who took my brother's future away."

Just as Stain was about to end Iida's time on earth, a flash of green caught his eye. It bounced from wall to wall faster than he could see.

"Smash!" Midoriya's fist nailed Stain right in the jaw causing him to fly back into the alley and most importantly, away from Iida. "I came to save you Iida!" Midoriya stood in front of his friend protectively, his voice sounding more confident than he felt. Izuku hadn't dashed through every street using one for all to have Iida die right before his eyes.

"Midoriya, don't- don't get involved. Stay out of this!" Iida barked; his tears now dry. "This has nothing to do with you."

Stain stared the pair down releasing an almost unbelievable amount of bloodlust. "That's cute. You came to save your friend. Of course, we have to clash now. The weaker of us taking his last breath." He pointed his sword at Midoriya. "Now then, what do you say?"

Midoriya forgot how to breathe for a moment as he felt the invisible pressure coming off Stain in waves. The pressure was suffocating like it was pushing down his chest urging him to shy away. Despite his fear and worry, Midoriya stood strong. He held his phone behind his back and sent a location text message to the one person he hoped was nearby. Midoriya's goal wasn't to beat the hero killer, it was to save Iida and Native.

"Run away!" Iida shouted at Midoriya. He couldn't get Midoriya in his revenge. No. This was his mistake and no one else's. "I told you this doesn't involve you!"

"It's a hero's job to get involved! And as your friend I am here to help you." Midoriya clenched his fist and pushed all the other things he wanted to say away. Now was not the time for a chat and Midoriya knew that.

Stain was shocked, this trembling green mess of a boy was standing before him as a hero. Was he a true hero though? Stain would just have to test that out. Midoriya dashed towards him lightning flickering around his body. Stain swung his sword at Midoriya's figure. He had missed, but that was expected. He took out a smaller hunting knife and with his free hand and moved to slash once more. Midoriya dashed between his legs and sprung back to get over Stain, fist at the ready. "Five percent Detroit smash!" He grinned as his fist met the top of Stain's head, slamming him down.

"How careless, little hero." Stain took the smaller knife in his hand and licked it. There was a single droplet of Midoriya's blood. He activated his quirk and rendered Midoriya unable to move.


Spinel came to a stop as soon as she heard Izuku's voice call out his attack. Yes, it was cringy at times. But she was thankful for it at this moment. She dashed across the rooftops and spotted the people she was looking for.

As Stain walked towards his unmoving victims Spinel jumped from the roof without hesitation. Her aim was to land on top of Stain and pin him down that way. As if it were a sixth sense, Stain noticed her and jumped back avoiding Spinel's pounce. "Shit." She made sure her hood was firmly on before making eye contact with Stain once more.

"Why are you brats always annoying me" He growled. "First these fake heroes in training and now Giran's little mask wearing protégée. I thought we were done talking."

Spinel made no move to talk, she was already running a thin line by trying to help Izuku and Iida. The only thing keeping her identity safe was her hood, she couldn't risk them finding her by her voice. Spinel kept silent and cursed herself for not investing in a voice changer.

She couldn't use her quirk. She couldn't use her yoyos. She couldn't talk. Spinel was at a major disadvantage. Ah shit. What the fuck am I doing!? She screamed internally as she pushed down the feeling of panic growing in the more logical side of her brain. She considered leaving but somehow, she ended up involving herself in the mess. Stupid classmates, stupid school. Now I'm attached to the idiots. Spinel took out one of her yoyos, keeping the body in her hand so she had the thin string taunt between her hands. Time to really test this quirk enhanced string.

Stain made the first move after he got tired of waiting for Spinel to reply. He sliced down in an arc towards Spinel's shoulder. She stopped the blade with the yoyo string holding it back. She really hoped it lived up to all the talk Giran gave it. If she died because the string broke, she would haunt him from the grave.

As Spinel held back the sword, she pulled her right leg to kick him in the gut. As soon as Stained laxed the pressure on his sword she shoved it to the side. Once her right foot landed, she immediately pivoted on it and followed up with a left hook kick to his neck. She missed the kick, but it was enough to unbalance him, using that moment to her advantage she lunged forward and hit him with an uppercut to the gut.

Stain hissed with a grunt but quickly recovered swinging one of his smaller knives at her. Spinel squeaked as she pulled back, the tip of the blade just grazing the bridge of her nose and the fluff of her hood. The wound wasn't deep enough to bleed but it was enough to sting a little.

This time Spinel made the next move. She launched herself at him before last minute switching and going around him instead, while in his blind spot she sent an elbow to his side once again narrowly avoiding the blade by turning her head slightly, so it sliced the fur of her hood a little. She got lucky but she really didn't want to tempt fate like that again. Once Stain had recovered quickly, he managed to kick her across the stomach, so she stumbled back.

The exchange happened repeatedly almost faster than the average passerby could follow. She skidded down on one knee panting. A gust of wind blew through the alleyway.

Her hood slipped.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now