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Nat scrolled down the list of changes Spinel wanted and began to write them down on little post-it notes. Before he returned the phone, he glanced to see the last time she changed that particular note, it was one year ago. Does that mean she had a plan formulated at least a year before she ran away? Nat went around the store collecting all the various things he needed. "We will do the piercings before any tattoos. So, for your mouth you want spider bites on the left side and a tongue piercing. Correct?"

Spinel nodded determined.

"And for your ears you want a double helix on your right, a standard orbital also on the right, and an industrial on your left." Nat was about to stop writing when he heard Spinel request one more.

"Can I also have my lobe and upper lobe pierced on both sides?"

"That will make a grand total of nine holes not including the ones on your lip and tongue. You good with that?" Nat scanned Spinel's face for even a hint of wavering. At least five different types of piercings – some with multiple holes- would sound daunting all listed out. He needed to be sure, he couldn't just have her back out midway.

"Don't worry. I'm sure. I'm not going to regret it if that's what you are thinking. That or stop halfway." Spinel replied her response a little off the mark of what he was thinking.

Nat nodded and walked back to Spinel who was still seated. He placed a sterilized tray of packaged needles on the side table. Taking a skin pencil, he started to mark the location of all the holes on her ears and bottom lip. Naturally he couldn't mark her tongue but that was fine, that was the last one he was planned on doing. "My quirk is called Petty healing. It lets me fully heal small wounds, but it only works on the injuries I inflict on other people. I say heal loosely since, technically I'm not healing in a sense. An example would be..." He paused thinking "Ah, if I were to accidentally scratch you with a blade and injure you. If I don't use my quirk on it, it will leave a scar, even if I was to use my quirk the outcome would be the same. Now, if somehow you lost a finger and it was my fault, I can't heal the finger back to normal like other healing quirks can, I can just stop the bleeding and leave the healed injury as a stub.

Spinel furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Why was Nat explaining all the specifics when she didn't really need to know them.

Nat tried to explain his quirk looking more and more confused the more he tried to explain it. "What I'm trying to say is, as soon as I finish all the piercings you can choose which jewelry you want to put in right away. You get me?"

"Yeah I get it." Spinel said, her voice back to regular speaking volume. Nat smiled, relieved that he didn't end up confusing the poor girl. Spinel closed her eyes and let Nat do his thing. It's not that she had a fear of needles, but she'd rather not watch a needle enter her body. She started to feel the little pricks on each ear followed by a small piece of metal being slipped into place. It hurts a little less than I thought it would. She thought as she felt Nat move in front of her.

"Ok, so I'm going to do your tongue first then your lip last. Ready?"

Spinel gave a hum in confirmation, not wanting to move her head lest he have trouble piercing. Nat opened her mouth and used some form of tool to hold out her tongue and keep it in place. She steeled herself for the prick then the sensation of metal going through the hole. As soon as that was finished, he released her tongue and finished the spider bites just under her bottom lip. She opened her eyes, greeted by Nat's cheerful expression.

"All done. Easy peasy." Nat shuffled around getting rid of all the needles and various tools he used and disposed them in a container. "Here, look through this while I heal all your piercings and we can put in the jewelry you want." Nat handed her a catalog of different jewelry for her new piercings.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now