Power Pose

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It's been four weeks since Spinel found her new home. Her life was pretty much flipped downside up.

She was allowed to make choices.

She didn't have to ask permission for everything.

She now had an older brother.

"Munchkin!" Dabi called from the living room. He had decided on switching between Chompy and Munchkin since he wasn't sure which one he liked best. "Giran called and said something about a Mitzi?"

Spinel perked up as she rounded to the corner towards Dabi. "Is she going to teach me?!" A few days ago, Spinel asked Mitzi if she could teach her how to use charisma to her advantage. Who better to ask than someone who hones that skill for a living? Dabi handed her the phone.


"Hey there, little miss! How's life with your personal guard dog?" Giran mused knowing Dabi could hear everything.

Spinel held back a giggle. It had been a while since she was referred to as 'little miss'. "My life... I wouldn't change anything... Anyway! Did Mitzi agree?"

"Sure did. She said to meet her at her place today. I need to go there too so I'll pick you up and we can travel together."

"Kay, see you in a few then!" Spinel hung up and returned Dabi's phone.

".... Daaabiiiiiiiii~ can you pleassssseeeee do my hair?" Spinel used her best puppy eyes and -naturally- she won.

"Give me the brush then. What do you want?" Dabi grumbled. He would deny it if anyone pointed it out, but he really wasn't able to say no to her.


"Hi Giran" Spinel greeted him with a wave.

The little miss certainly looks much happier than when I first met her on the train. Giran nodded in return. "Ready to go little miss?"

"Always" Spinel chirped as the pair started to walk.

Giran readjusted the scarf loosening it. It was midday, outside, where it was hot and sunny, Giran wasn't sure how Spinel was able to keep her scarf on. It seems Dabi had a hand in contributing to Spinel's dress options. Her hair was tied up in twin space buns with light pink ribbons. She was wearing white jean shorts with pink suspenders. She also wore a black crop top and her pastel teal scarf. Giran shook his head, looks like Dabi is raising a mini pastel girl version of himself. That's unfortunate.

"How are your injuries doing?" Giran asked, carefully choosing his words. They both knew he meant the brand, but neither specifically referred to it.

"It's scarred there as suspected, but it doesn't hurt" Currently, the suspender bands of Spinel's shorts were covering the brand mark so she could still wear the crop top without worrying about it showing. "Though, I was thinking that I could get a tattoo over it. But I'm not sure yet."

After some mindless chatter filled with small talk and questions -that would have turned a few heads if they weren't in the more dubious areas of the city- they arrived at the casino.

Mitzi worked as a go-go dancer for this casino during the time she wasn't working her main job. It wasn't that she was short on money, but it was more that she just enjoyed what she did.

"Spinel! Oh hunny!" Mitzi ran up to Spinel and enveloped her in a warm hug. Just like the night they met, Mitzi was wearing close to nothing. Spinel did get a little flustered, but after almost four weeks of roaming the red-light district and the more questionable areas of the underworld, she learned pretty fast that there were weirder things to see.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα