Killer Without a Nose

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It took two days and a half for her to find Stain's location. She was running on a few hours of sleep and whatever caffeine she could find after she had exhausted her supply she got from Mei. Was it worth it? Honestly, during the last few hours of brain destroying agony she started to think it wasn't.

Since she arrived, she went through too many cans of energy drinks, a few cups of coffee and five cans of soup. She didn't need to look at her hair to know it was a mess from when she had tied it into something like messy bun-but-not-a-bun. It was a trying time. "Fucking fuckity fuck. I finally found you Stain. Now how to convince you?" She muttered as she paced around the living room.


"Ah. Goddamn it." Hitoshi growled as he got all tangled up in his scarf once more. He had no real trouble when using the scarf to capture a non-moving target but as soon as he tried to increase his mobility and swing from beam to beam, he had become real good friends with the floor and gotten all tangled in his scarf for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Shinsou. Take a break, you've been at it for a few hours." His mentor instructed reminiscing all the times he himself had gotten tangled. He cringed at the memory of when he was stuck for an hour until Hizashi had found and untangled him. "Do you want help to get out?"

Hitoshi shook his head, or at least tried to. "No, I'm fine. I can get out on my own." To be perfectly honest he was getting frustrated with himself. It felt like he had made no progress over the past two days and it was driving him insane. Hitoshi knew that it would take a while to get used to and even be proficient at using the scarf like weapon, but he would have thought with the amount of times he got twisted round with the bindings he would at least be able to get himself out faster. It took a good five minutes of grumbling and squirming before he was freed from the cloth. His thoughts drifted off to Spinel as he took a break from practice. How was she doing? Was she having fun? What was her internship like? Hitoshi looked at his phone before deciding against sending a quick text message. He didn't want to bother her. Besides she was probably fine, right? The hero she was interning under probably wouldn't let her live on energy drinks and junk food. Honestly, he was a little jealous. She was always hungry but no matter what she ate it seemed to have no negative effect on her health.


Spinel jolted awake. When had she fallen asleep? What day is it? Er, what time is it? She sat up from the plush maroon couch, her bones all cracking as she moved. She stretched, finished up then rubbed her eyes to look at the clock. It was almost evening. SHIT. Spinel scrambled to her feet almost hitting the leg of the coffee table with her toes, she unzipped her backpack and sighed as she looked at what Nat had jokingly called her 'work suit'. If it was up to her, Spinel would have just kept the hoodie and pants. But according to Mitzi, she needed a work outfit of her choosing.

When Spinel received the clothing a while back, she was surprised that it was fairly modest. She hastily pulled on her skintight black jumpsuit with white accents around her waist and fastened the fur-lined hood around her neck. The sides of the long-sleeved jumpsuit were made with sheer fabric that Spinel really didn't quite understand the purpose of, but it wasn't bad or anything so there was no reason to complain. Like the inner side of her hood, her boots and fingerless gloves were dark galaxy themed. She attached her glowing mask as the finishing touch. She had to admit -as much as she hated to- that Mitzi did a good job on her suit.

"Alright Stain. Let's find you, shall we?"

It didn't take too long to locate Stain; he had a very distinct look about him. She tried not to cringe when she saw his nose. Or rather, lack thereof. If the stories were to be trusted, he took his nose off himself. "Hey! Stain, right?" She chirped keeping back a little so she would be out of his stabbing range. She had heard about his quirk and didn't want to fall prey to it. Spinel was there to convince him not to fight him.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now