Sparky Sparky Boom Man

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"Oh shit!" Spinel laughed as Mei threw some unidentified item into the air.

"Mei-Mei what is that?" Hitoshi looked towards Mei seeing as he was the only one out of the three who was even the slightest bit concerned.

"I call it the SSBB!" She showed Hitoshi and Spinel, it was a smartphone sized, pill shaped hunk of metal. "My baby is made with lightweight materials so it isn't hard to throw, it can be a little heavy if you carry more than two -but that's a work in progress. The most important part is, when it reaches a certain height, it explodes!" Mei cackled as her hands waved in the air.

Spinel, also infected by Mei's energy, gave her a double high five in the air. "That's great!" Spinel paused. "But what does SSBB stand for?"

Mei smirked and wiggled her eyebrows at her purple and green friend. "Sparky-Sparky-Boom-Bomb"

If Hitoshi were drinking something, he probably would have spit it right out. Honestly, he shouldn't have been so surprised, the trio had watched some of the episodes whenever they had lunch break together. They had all come to a unanimous decision that Shouto was basically Prince Zuko in real life.


Naturally after Aizawa heard a few explosions that didn't sound like Bakugo's and were nowhere near any of the designated training areas, he went to go investigate the source. Ah, the troublesome trio. Why am I not surprised? Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose before he made his presence known to the three. "I know you all passed your finals, but it doesn't mean you can just set up explosions outside and away from a gym. What if you set that tree on fire?"

He was indeed proud that Spinel, Hitoshi and Mei had all passed spectacularly. Though, he wasn't sure why Uraraka had let go of the handrail during the fight against Thirteen, but he was sure that Spinel had something to do with it. Questionable methods or not, the pair did still pass. Hitoshi and Sero's fight was quite surprising, it was unfortunate that Sero fainted early on but Hitoshi was deftly able to escape thanks to Sero's tape. As far as Aizawa overhead -not ask, he definitely did not ask Powerloader- Mei's inventions were destructive as per usual but she passed with flying colors.

So yes, he was proud of his kids, but he was also worried about the landscape they could potentially destroy. "You can't be making explosions out here, at least go to the gym next time"

The trio looked at each other then smirked.

The green pair of eyes flickered with mischief.

The violet pair of eyes gleamed with amusement.

The yellow pair of eyes buzzed with excitement.

"Yes Dad!" The three chirped in unison.

Aizawa was stunned temporarily. How was he supposed to reply to that? He knew they didn't do it by accident. It was planned. "Do you three just share one braincell or something?" He groaned. Instead of letting them answer he piped up again, "You know what. I don't want to know." Aizawa waved them away "Just go, don't destroy things, and if you plan on doing things like this again use the gym." Already low on energy, Aizawa lazily made his way back to the staff room. He wanted to nap again before class.


It wasn't too long after Aizawa-sensei left that Spinel had spotted a familiar blond figure. Not the large bulky version but the small twig of a man. Spinel promptly excused herself from her friends and ran over to talk to the man. This was her chance. "Excuse me!" She called trying to flag down his attention to no avail. "Mr. Blonde guy!" She tried again. "All Might" She panted out breathless as she made it close enough to him that she didn't have to shout. The blonde paused and turned to face Spinel. "I think we need to have a long overdue chat about some very important things."

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