Four Tickets

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"I'm home!" Spinel shuffled back inside the familiar area. She had taken the early train home and as far as she was aware, Shouto would be riding back home with Iida and Izuku once their internship was over. Spinel put her stuff down at the entrance, as soon as she finished taking off her shoes, she made her way to the couch. The TV was left on and Dabi was asleep sitting down. "Firecracker" She whispered, no response. She decided not to wake him but instead carefully sprawl over his lap like a blanket and join him in his slumber. Dabi was always so warm from his quirk so it made falling asleep near him an easy task. He was practically a personal heater. "Nighty night."


It was a few hours before the pair woke up. "Munchkin?" Dabi groaned tapping the mass over his lap. "Off." He smiled unable to fully keep his tone stern. It's always nice to see your baby sister alive and looking considerably better than in the selfie she sent. He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to untangle the mess of green and white with no luck, he resigned himself and accepted that he would spend an hour fixing the mess.

Spinel stirred a little and rubbed her eyes as she was woken by Dabi's continuous tapping and tugging. "Don't wanna" She whined pouting. He was just so warm, and the travel was tiring, of course she didn't want to move.

Dabi resorted to just pushing her off gently till he managed to shimmy himself out from under her. "I need to make lunch. And you need to tell me what happened on the news." He ruffled her already mussed up hair before moving to the kitchen to see what they had. Much to his dismay, they didn't have much. He didn't really go grocery shopping, that was Spinel's thing. Thankfully they did have enough to make some sandwiches.

She told him everything. Except that she was involved in the Stain fight. Spinel knew that Dabi followed Stain's ideology. Heck, even Spinel had to agree on some points, she just didn't agree with his methods. As far as everyone else was aware, Spinel was never at the Stain fight.

- ----THE NEXT DAY-----

"Periwinkle!" Spinel called from behind Hitoshi. She waved him down to get his attention. The internship week was over and so were her last few days of relaxation. In all her years she never thought that she would be so excited to go to school. Though to be fair she wasn't excited for school, she was excited to see her friends. Somehow the world just looked so pretty at this moment, the sun was shining – but not too much -, there was a warm breeze and not a cloud in the sky.

"It's been a while Kitty cat. Did you have fun in all the chaos?" Hitoshi smirked lazily as she slowed down to walk beside her. She was the same as always. A half-worn uniform, no blazer, tie loose, untucked shirt and her pink and teal scarf around her neck. Sometimes he wondered how she got away with wearing her uniform like that.

"Please, I thrive in chaos. Anyway..."

But that aside he was honestly ecstatic to see her and very relieved to know that was ok after what had happened in Hosu. Was he going to openly act on those feelings? Of course not. It wasn't his thing. Hitoshi nodded and kept walking as he listened to her babble on about everything that happened that night and the next day.

"And after all that, I had lunch with Shouto. Turns out Izuku and Iida landed themselves in trouble again and he found the pair. Though surprisingly we didn't see each other until after the whole ordeal was over."

"You both had lunch together?" Hitoshi asked, the twisting feeling in his stomach more noticeable. He decided that it was Mei that was to blame for planting that feeling. Hitoshi was closer to her than Todoroki was, so he had no reason to worry, right?

Spinel, not exactly one of the most perceptive people, happily chittered away, "Yep! The food was really yummy there. There were a few scattered conversations here and there but overall it was surprisingly nice. It was a comfortable silence, you know?" Spinel looked up at him doe-eyed waiting for Hitoshi's response.

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