Not a Villain at Heart

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In battle Spinel had two particularly worrisome habits -not counting the other minor ones. One of them being that she only delivered harsh blows to the vital points. There was a certain thrill she got from the fight the better she got at it. Roaming the streets meant that her brutal attacks were no problem, but in a classroom setting it was far from ideal. And the other being she was an adrenaline junkie. She would get stir crazy if there wasn't anything fun to do. If anything, Dabi had indeed taught her well. She was taught to fight as if every attacker would be trying to kill her, exactly what she needed to survive her jobs. Putting Spinel against students with minimal training was a bad idea. She promised that she would avoid hitting parts of the body that could potentially kill her classmates, but accidents happen. She didn't want them to happen. But they happen. She licked her lips as their team was called outside the building for their five minutes of preplanning time. It'll be a pleasure to eat you.

"Any ideas you wanna try out?" She asked, looking up at Shoji's tall form.

"Since we are up against Hagakure and her invisibility quirk, I can use my own to locate her. If you want, I can take care of Hagakure while you get Ojiro or the bomb." He suggested. His plan made sense.

"We might need to change halfway through, I think. Build-wise Ojiro seems to be a heavy hitter compared to myself, I focus on speed and counters."

Shoji nodded. "That's a fair point. We can go with the original pairing then we can switch if we need to."

"Sounds good"

When All Might called the start, Shoji walked through the door of the huge concrete building first turning his extra limbs into ears. It was very similar to a multilevel carpark just without the cars or the elevator. "They are up on floor three. I think Hagakure is planning on surprising us. We can take the left stairwell."

Spinel nodded. "Good luck" She turned into her blob form and soundlessly made her way to the third floor keeping to the shadows so Hagakure wouldn't see her. As soon as she entered the room, she was greeted by a tail slam that just grazed the side of her body. In retaliation Spinel tried to snap at his leg to catch him but failed. Ojiro easily dodged out of the way a few paces back before coming in again. Spinel quickly shifted to her human form and hit a well-placed elbow to his gut while he tried land.

She pulled out her yoyos and swung them at her attacker while sending a low voltage through them, enough to hurt but not enough to fully knock out. One of her yoyos span across the air while the other ran along the floor. The one in the air hit Ojiro square in the chest as he attempted to dodge the one on the floor. A small jolt of electricity sparking on impact. He winced closing one of his eyes from the sudden pain.

Taking the opportunity Spinel retracted her yoyos and leapt towards him turning into her blob form. As she landed by his blind spot, she devoured him. There was a stillness in the room. Spinel started to feel struggling in her mouth as she tried to count out the seconds. Ojiro -who tasted like vanilla- was putting up a fight. Not used to the frantic struggling of his strength she ended up spitting him out. She turned back into her human form, small drops of black goop spilt from her lips while most of the slime coated her classmate.

Shoji burst through the door seeming to be chasing air. Hagakure. Spinel scraped if there was any dust or debris she could use. There was nothing. Spinel mentally facepalmed as she remembered Mei-Mei's gift. She pulled out one of the unnamed balls and threw it hard at the floor keeping her eyes closed just in case it was a flashbang. Thankfully it wasn't. She turned on her coms, "Shoji can you take Ojiro for me? We can switch and I'll chase Hagakure."

"Ok" Shoji responded complying. When the smoke cleared Shoji was opposite Ojiro and Spinel was scanning the room for Hagakure. At first Spinel was unsure of how to find her. Then she saw it. A floating earpiece.

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