Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!

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"Careless bastard" Bakugo sneered "I thought this would work. This shitty brace is the only thing keeping you all together. if I pull on it. You go down too." Despite the way the angry pom acted, Bakugo was very proficient in battle and owned a sharp mind to back it up. Bakugo released a little explosion on the braces. "Don't even think about moving. If I see you try anything, I'm blowing you to bits."

He should probably work on his heroic behavior, but he does get the point across, Spinel internally agreed.

"That doesn't sound very hero-like..." Kirishima voiced all the nearby students' thoughts.

The gears in Shigaraki's head turned thinking of his next course of action. They made the League of Villains look bad. "Nomu." The creature started to move again, the frozen part of his body breaking off.

Just as Spinel thought, the broken body parts started to bubble and grow back. Super regeneration. Its eyes rolled to the back of its head before focusing back on the group.

"Didn't you say he had shock absorption?" All Might said shocked.

Shigaraki grinned, his chapped lips stretching. "I didn't say that was all he had. The Nomu has been designed to take you your strongest. Now then, Nomu, I want our warp gate back."

Before anyone could see what happened, Bakugo was a few meters to the right and away from Kurogiri. In his place was All Might taking the brunt of the hit.

"You know All Might. I've found out some things. Violence for the sake of others is admirable but violence only breeds more violence. This hateful world that has categorized good and evil is flawed, and the world will know this once I kill you."

All Might walked in front of his students. "All of you go back."

Izuku started to protest. "But All Might! Your time's-"

"Midoriya, my boy, all of you leave and watch a pro give everything he's got." All Might gave a thumbs up to reassure his students. It's true I only have a minute left. But I have something I need to protect. "I AM THE SYMBOL OF PEACE!" All Might threw himself forward, the air pressure alone pushing everyone except the Nomu back. The pair collided with an earth-shattering punch, the Nomu's shock absorption barely keeping up with All Might's whirlwind of attacks. The sheer speed pushing the spectators back even further. No one could get near them.

Chest. Connected

Fist. Connected

Jaw. Connected

Gut. Connected

Arms. Connected

Sides. Connected

All his punches hit their intended target.

Spinel was in awe. Even as she skidded back the fight before her eyes could only be described as unimaginable. Both parties not letting up.

"Made to fight me? Well, if you are able to withstand me at one hundred percent then I'll just force you to surrender from beyond that!" All Might began to overwhelm the Nomu as he pushed harder and harder, giving it his all. Every single hit beyond one hundred percent of his power.

"A hero..." All Might pushed the Nomu back through the trees and concrete. He grunted with effort as he flung the Nomu in the air with a punch. "...Will always..." All Might grabbed the Nomu by the leg and slammed it back on the ground leaving a ground shattering crater. "...go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!"

The audience watched speechless as All Might landed a final blow to the creature, the earth trembling by the sheer explosive force that sent the Nomu flying.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now