"Something was definitely off," Barry said, pacing rapidly.

"He was acting rather strange... whispering, looking over his shoulder..." Diana said.

"We should probably go check on him..." Clark said.

"Oh goody," Barry said, nearly bouncing up and down. "We finally get to see the Batcave!"

"Ya, but how are we supposed to get in? Batman has everyone's access blocked except his own," Diana said.

"Weeeeell," Barry mumbled. "I might be able to hack it to give us access, but I'm honestly a horrible hacker so I'll probably only be able to do it for a few of us."

"Wonder Woman; you, Flash, and I will go," Clark said, feeling like the best option to not get murdered or drop kicked into the next dimension by the Batman was to stick with the original league members.

"Right," Barry said, moving to the zeta tubes and starting to type on the attached computer.

Even with super speed it took Barry nearly 30 minutes to hack the access for himself, Wonder Woman, and Superman.

"All together?" Diana asked.

Clark nodded, and all three stepped through the zeta tube together.

A robotic voice called out the zeta tags for Superman, Flash, and Wonder Woman, causing Bruce to snap awake and jump out of his chair. None of those people were supposed to have zeta access to the cave...

The three heroes stepped out into the cave, Clark holding onto Barry's shoulder so the speedster wouldn't immediately go speeding around the cave.

"Why are you here?" Bruce growled.

"There's something going on with you Bruce, and we don't want you to hide it from us anymore," Diana said, nudging Clark when she noticed the spaced out look on his face.

"There's a fifth heartbeat," Clark mumbled, looking around in confusion.

Bruce panicked. He'd kept his children secret from the league for so long, and he certainly didn't want them to find out about them now. "My butler," he grumbled.

"They're sleeping," Clark said, completely ignoring Bruce's attempted cover up. He listened to the person's deep even breaths, his brow furrowing when he heard the slight hitch in the breathing when it was slightly too deep. "They're injured too," he concluded.

Bruce was silent, but inwardly he was swearing like a sailor. Why did his colleagues have to be so freaking nosy sometimes?

Clark floated up off the ground, following the sounds of the heartbeat to the Batcave's medical ward.

Diana and Barry followed Clark, with Bruce trailing behind them, trying to think of some quick mind wiping technique.

Clark gasped when he saw Dick laying on the gurney, a look of confusion blanketing his features. "You have a kid?" He asked, voice filled with total disbelief.

"I actually have four," Bruce said, folding his arms. He inwardly smirked when three pairs of disbelieving eyes were turned on him.

"The heartless Batman has four children?" Barry asked, nearly falling into the seat next to Dick's bed.

A drunken sounding "Shhhhh," came from the gurney as Dick was awoken by talking that was much too loud for his liking.

Bruce glared at the three leaguers, knowing that Dick desperately needed the sleep he was now being robbed of.

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now