Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

It was now 1:30.

Wade walked down the stairs and out of the single front door.

He got looks from people passing by. It was just since it was lunch break. Wade kept his hands deep in his pockets. He pulled his hood forward more.

He checked the address and walked towards the building, passing roads and crosswalks. He wished he could've been anyone of these people passing by him.

It was scorching hot, but Wade didn't really feel it. He couldn't sweat, but it was still uncomfortable.

The building was small, brown and tan bricks. A small clear window of some seats available. A serving counter.

He saw some people in there. It was mostly a breakfast place, so many people weren't in there. Mostly college students.

He checked his phone. 1:56 p.m.

Wade sighed and opened the door. The bell chimed obnoxiously and he winced, knowing people would be looking towards him.

The server looked up and smiled, then kind of realized that Wade looked like a lunatic. In 90 degree weather. At a breakfast place at 2 p.m.

She returned behind the counter and Wade grimly smiled.

He found a place in the corner. I guess Peter really was sharp on time, because 4 minutes later right at 2, the boy walked in.

He was very tense, his eyes casted down. He even flinched a little as the bell chimed his arrival.

Wade looked up, their eyes met.

Peter realized that 'this was the guy'.

Wade gave a small wave and Peter nervously walked over, keeping his eyes down. He slid into the booth across from Wade and put his hands in his lap.

"Just making sure you're Peter, right?" Wade asked, gruffly.

"Uhm... Yes. I'm Peter. I don't know who you are though..." Peter answered, barely a whisper.

Wade tried to understand. "Sorry?"

Peter breathed in shakily. "Sorry. Uhm. Who are you-exactly." He kept his eyes down, looking at Wade's gloved hands on the table.

"Oh! Of course, they didn't tell you anything, huh. They didn't tell me anything, except like everything about you. Sorry about invading your privacy by the way. But I'm Wade!" He reached out his hand.

Peter looked super confused, but reached his shaky hand to meet Wade's gloved one.

"Don't worry, sweetums. I won't hurt you. I'm on your side." Wade shook his hand and slyly stroked Peter's hand.

"Right..." Peter stared at Wade's empty face.

"Right." Wade repeated and took his hand back. "So you're here sharp sharp on the clock."

"Yeah." Peter scratched his head, still looking at the table.

The waitress came over. "Good afternoon guys. What can I get you? Drinks? Erm-breakfast I guess?"

Wade looked at the woman and smiled. "I'll have whatever he's having." Pointing to Peter.

Peter opened his mouth, but the lady interrupted. "Usual right?"

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