Barrister Babu

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"Objection, My Lord!
Barrister Roy Chowdhury is clearly confusing my client." The defence attorney banged the table expressing his discontent at the proceedings.

"Objection overruled."

"Thank you, My Lord." Anirudh smirked at the agitated defence attorney Lalmohan Chaturvedi.

"So, Mr. Sarkar, where were we?" Anirudh turned around, facing the man standing inside the witness box, nervously licking his dry lips.
"Oh, yes, we were talking about Shashi Bala Debi and your child."

"Not my child." The man growled under his breath and gritted his teeth.

"That we'll see... But, first tell me Samaresh Sarkar, when did you first realise that you were in love with Shashi Bala Debi?"

Samaresh Sarkar felt uneasy under Barrister Anirudh's intense steady gaze.

"I... I never loved her!"
He mumbled.

Anirudh reinforced on his answer and Samaresh Sarkar found his renewed vigour.

"No... Never... I never loved that wretched woman!"

Anirudh quietly walked towards the juries table and picked up a tray covered with a red cloth. He carefully brought it infront of the restless man and slowly unsheathed the covering, revealing it's content to all.

"Let's see... Two diamond rings, a pair of earrings... And, gold bangles, necklaces... Wow... That's a lot of gift for someone whom you have never loved!"
Anirudh made a chuckling noise.

"I give gifts to everyone, I have a lot of money you see..."
Samaresh Sarkar chuckled nervously licking his dry lower lip once again.

"No wonder you have so many witnesses testifying for you." Anirudh smiled calmly.

"Objection, My Lord.
Barrister Babu is clearly insulting my client." Chaturvedi barked from behind his table.


Chaturvedi's face curled up into a bright satisfaction as he shared a quick victorious glance with Anirudh.

"So, Samaresh Sarkar, let's come to the point. How many other women have you been giving gifts to?" Anirudh's eyes were focused on his, making his throat dry.

"My... Mother... Sisters... Banumati..."

"Oh please... I'm not talking about your family members, Mr. Sarkar, I hope you are old enough to understand that."

Samaresh swallowed hard and replied.

"None!" Anirudh repeated his answer.
"I have done a bit of digging into your finances, you don't do much charity either."

"Charity! Hell no... I don't invest without any returns." Samaresh Sarkar grinned proudly.

"Please note the words My Lord, Mr. Sarkar claims not to invest without any returns... So, what return was he expecting from Shashi Bala Debi against all these expensive gifts?"


"Objection overruled." The judge furrowed his eyebrows and looked visibly interested at the argument that Anirudh Roy Chowdhury was establishing.

"Thank you, My Lord. The return that Samaresh Sarkar was rooting for was Shashi Bala Debi's heart, and her trust. They loved each other. And, now he is clearly denying the outcome of their love, their newborn baby! This man is guilty not only in the court of law, but also in the court of humanity... And hence, should be duly condemned. He should not only take responsibility of his child and the mother, but also be fined for defaming a woman publicly."
Anirudh breathed the words.
"That's all Your Honour."

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