« Jay »

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His name was once just a humble catchy tone. His face used to make you feel grateful for seeing the summer skies each year. You used to wake up day by day to wait for him. As a child, you cared less about the world but Park Jongseong. And because you were both childhood companions, you played hide and seek. Tag. Kites. Anything you can just imagine.
And as naive as you were, you even made promises to each other.

But the older you both get, the more you felt farther away from each other.

Jongseong's family decided to move out of town and start a new life a long time ago. It wasn't easy for the boy to bid goodbye to a long-time friend like you. Even so, you both promised you would see each other again in the future and —much more than that— get married.

But through the years, you thought, those promises would just be labeled as a silly  personification of your youthful naivety.

And as if fate wanted you to cross paths with him again, he happened to be your classmate in high school.

His name was once just a humble tone for you, but now, it felt extremely awkward to mutter it again. The way his coffee-brown eyes would gaze at you  every now and then is just enough to make you look away. You talked less until you never talked at all. He who once had a heart of gold now has a heart made of stone.

And then, prom night came, a moment which everyone was looking forward to. "It just happens once in your teenage life." You thought to yourself as you viewed your dress in a full-length mirror.

You've never felt magical your whole life until you've stepped a foot in the gym. People with fancy dresses and suits were everywhere. Lights shone in shades of yellow and blue, making your head spin slightly. You were never used to parties, so you headed to the seats and watched as your classmates dance romantically in waltz.

Suddenly, your eyes landed on the guy in the corner, bashfully waving his hands  at you. There, you felt your heart skip a beat. Of course, he's no other than the guy you're secretly admiring, Lee Heeseung.

As he was approaching, you couldn't help but feel nervous, and you could feel your hands shake anxiously. You were trying to keep yourself together. Because for the first time, a guy finally offers a dance with you. And what's more is that he is your crush!

However, as if destiny was trying to play tricks with you, a girl suddenly appeared in front of him, wrapping her hands around his shoulders. You could only watch as Heeseung gazes doubtingly at you in a short moment of time and dances with someone else.

And it was when your heart started to cave in.

Out of defeat, you walked out of the room with your fists clenched, trying to stop the tears from welling in your eyes. Because for the second time, love has failed to give you hope.

As everyone was having fun inside the building, you were at the rooftop, sitting on the edge and letting the cold breeze of the  air embrace your bare shoulders.

Suddenly, you were astounded when someone from behind placed his coat on your shoulders. Your eyes widened in shock.Was someone following you all along? Stating the obvious. He sat beside you and there you realized he was Park Jongseong, your childhood friend.

"Y—you're here." You said. He turned to face you and let out an affectionate smile. You haven't seen him smile for almost a decade, and now, it just surprises you.

"I was watching you. And you were jealous of the girl back there because she took Heeseung." He laughed and you playfully nudged him with your elbow, just the way you did when you were just kids.

"It doesn't matter!" You said and he wiped a tear in your eye. "You don't have to cry over that guy." He replied.

"I just wanted to talk to him, though." You said. You never expected Jongseong to come over to you again, for you were expecting another guy. And, it's been a long time since the both of you were best friends.

"Well... I'm here!" He said, pointing to himself. "I'm sorry if it took me a long time to face you."

"Me too, Jay. I just assumed you don't know me anymore." You replied. There, you found yourselves talking to each other again.

"So, would you like to have a dance with me?" Jongseong asked out of the blue and you were tensed by the thought of you and him alone, dancing at the rooftop with a hazy music from below.

"Are you sure? Isn't it weird because everyone's down there and we're both here?" You asked and again, he disagreed.

"It's not weird." He said. "We'll be dancing under the stars and I think that's what makes the night perfect."
Finally, he reached for your hands and you both started to swing and glide in the rhythm of the music.

And right at that moment, you blushed.

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