F I F T Y - F I V E

Start from the beginning

The female peered her eyes over the surrounding, staring at the chaos erupting.

Jiyeon bit her bottom lip, thinking of a way to distract the police in order to allow MG to escape in one piece.

Her eyes caught sight of the lighter in Chan's pocket, her brain recalling the last stunt she pulled with it.

"Desperate times cause for desperate measures" She muttered yet Chan heard.


Her hand slipped into his pocket, pulling out the small object that will soon cause mass destruction.

"Jiyeon, I swear to god you pull that stunt aga-"

His talking was cut off by her lips meeting his, a small peck on the lips it was, quick yet full of love and meaning.

"I will create a distraction for you all to escape. Please tell them what happened. I love you" Were her final words as she ran, avoiding all gunfire.

He called out for her, several times yet was ignored.

Once making sure she was a good distance from the members of MG. Jiyeon ignited the lighter, loosening her grip to allow it to fall on the ground below.

The grass was dry, allowing it to easily catch on fire.

The flames consumed anything and everything, demanding it to form into ashes, the heat expanded, radiating anger and hatred. It burns, blazing and violently, with no care of the damage it will cause.

It glowed, illuminating the surroundings, red at the base and a yellowish-orange at the tip.

It caught the attention of many around them as it grew and expanded.

It was unexpected, to say the least.

Chan stared at the fire that engulfed everything, he saw how it raged. The reflection danced in his eyes as Jiyeon and her safety clouded his mind.

Jiyeon ran for her life, no literally, she was being chased by many but the adrenaline and the fear only increased her speed, expanding the gap. She couldn't lie but it excited her, the thrill made her smile yet at the same time only made her furthermore feel at fault.

Chan's eye caught Jiyeon's figure running towards the escape vehicle and he prayed to whatever god was out there that she will return safely.

The unit Straykids were the first ones to unite with one another that they had missed very much. Soon after was it TXT and BTS as well. Leaving NCT's unite to be last considering they had the most members.

Taeyong allowed Kun to take care of the sub-unit, WayV, as he was their leader while he took care of the rest, his hand securely against the back of their new member, Sungchan, as they ran with thumping hearts.

The adrenaline rose within the group, the atmosphere getting pressured into heavy rain by their presence alone.

Kun, who was all the way at the back, stopped to double-check that everyone had left, turning around with his breath hitching sharply. His eyes, almost resembling the ones of a hawk, had spotted his youngest crew member struggling as his leg was caught underneath the fallen boulders.

He grimaced, running towards him and attempting to lift them, feeling his heartbeat rise as he heard the voices of officers who were guarding the prison. The rough texture of the boulders left deep wounds and scratches on his palms, which had become stained with his red blood.

He heaved out a breath and sharply inhaled before lifting the boulder with all his might, the youngest, Yangyang, shaking his head desperately. "Kun-gege, run! They need you, you're the leader!"

"I'm not leaving a little brother to die..." He breathed out heavily, his arms trembling as he felt the boulder lift ever so slightly, his eyes shutting tightly with his brows knotted together in pain.

Lucas, who had noticed their struggle, rushed towards the two to help lift the boulder, Yangyang crawling out finally before they dropped the heavy boulder.

"There they are!! Cease them!!" They heard a voice coming from behind them.

"Carry him and run, I'll be right behind you, okay??" Kun said as he patted Lucas' back, who obliged quickly, picking the younger one up and running, Kun running tiredly behind them with both of his palms burning. His lungs felt as though they were about to explode, finding himself slowing down as he watched Yangyang, who was being carried by Lucas, practically punching the older's back to get him to notice the far distance between the two and Kun. But the taller couldn't hear him in the midst of all the chaos.

Yangyang's eyes turned back towards his leader, who was stopped with his hands raised, officers circling him with guns in their hands as he only smiled towards them.

At that moment, he felt the time beginning to stop, his heartbeat being the only thing audible in his own ears as his heart pumped against the closure of his ribcage with a dramatic cry, his eyesight getting slightly blurred from the intense rise of adrenaline, his vocal cords letting out a silent, inaudible cry of nothing but empty air, free from all vowels and consonants, leaving behind nothing but a heavyweight on a-top of his chest.

Once his vision focused once more, the male was already far enough to not be seen to the man's eye. He found himself among the rest of the crew, being put down as they breathed heavily. His face seemed absolutely mortified, concerning the rest of the males as he hadn't seen such an expression on him before. He was silent, biting down on his bleeding thumbnail.

"Please make it out safely" Was what clouded Kun's mind as he was being cuffed.

"Please make it out safely" Was what clouded Kun's mind as he was being cuffed

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