one hundred and ten

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Cassie pursed her lips as she looked at James.

"Now, why would I tell you that after you've insulted my questions."

"There is no value to this information, is there?"

"Obviously not," Cassie then turned to face Remus with a smile on her face. "Now, Remmy if you had a book written about you, what would it be called?"

"I don't know, 'Moonlight, Chocolate and Boyfriends',"

Cassie let out a laugh as she ran her hand through her hair, James squeezing her calf once again.

"Either that or 'How a bite changed my life.' a bite of what you might ask, well, you'll have to work that out for yourself."

Cassie grinned at him, before turning to James for an answer.

"Cass, you really need to stop putting me on the spot like this-"

"You're shitting yourself if you think that I don't know you think about this on a regular basis - you're so egotistical that you have to."

"That's very rude. . , but you have a point. It would be called 'Bespectacled Beauty'."

Cassie and Remus shared a look before both of them burst out laughing, earning a sharp look from James that did nothing but provoke them to laugh more.

"What? It would be." James replied with a small huff, moving his hand off Cassie's leg and crossing them over his chest.

"That's a shit name." Cassie let out another laugh as she rolled her eyes at James, nudging him with her foot.

"It would obviously be called 'Fat ass Potter.'."


The benches that lined the tables in the Great Hall were missing people, empty places rested between students; plates and goblets were left spotless with no students there to eat off them, their golden surfaces shone in the candle light.

The table missing the most people was the Slytherin table, Cassie hated to say it, but everyone noticed that the table covered in green silk had the most absences.

Nova Goyle say alone in the middle of the table, most of her friends having left the previous year or having not returned this one.

Cassie didn't know why, but she felt some sympathy towards her old friend. She knew how it felt to be alone and would never wish that upon anyone, but at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to go over and talk to the blonde.

It was obvious why, for months now the death of muggles, muggle-borns and half-bloods has been plastered on the front pages of the Daily Prophet. Week after week the number of deaths and people missing increased, whole families had gone into hiding, others hadn't been luckily enough to hide before he found them.

The same symbol of a skull and snake was plastered in the sky high above his latest victims, almost as of it was a trophy to show off the latest murder he committed.

However, the people following him and increased quickly, his popularity grew and soon it wasn't just him who was going around killing. There were dozens of people doing it, all of them going around and murdering innocent people.

bruises - james potter Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ