-5:Rebel Royalties

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Third Person

"Thank you for bringing yourselves here to the detention room. I appreciated it." The teacher who chased Y/N and Dahyun said as her hand is resting on her waist.

"Hehe, welcome," Dahyun uttered.

"What's the violation?" The principal asked.

"These two violates two school rules."

"Two!? Wait- How!?" Dahyun exclaimed.

"First, they stayed on the school field without even having classes there. Second, they littered."

The principal sighed in frustration and looked at the 7 students.

"Good thing there are still three who are out of this mess." The principal sighed.

The two teachers went out leaving the students with the principal.

"I will give you time to think about your misbehaviors. You are royalties, you should act like one."

"I'm not. And Dahyun just dragged me. I have no plans on running aw-"

"Heol! Really, Y/N?!"

"Silence! I'll give you an hour to stay here. Reflect on your childishness. Whether you are royalty... or not." The principal said and looked last at Y/N.

As the principal left, silence filled the room.

"Tss, this is all your fault. If you didn't just complain about the serving!" Nayeon said to Dahyun.

"Excuse me? I'm just stating my fact. Well, the student is right. The facilities and rules really suck. They didn't even test it or what?" Dahyun said.

Nayeon huffed and about to stand in her place but Jeongyeon stops her.

"I thought you can be a hundred percent accurate? Then why are you here?" Tzuyu scoffs.

"Shut up Elsa, this room is so hot, can you just at least use your power so you will have at least sense in this place?" Nayeon hissed and rolled her eyes.

Tzuyu blew an air as she rolled her eyes. In just a few seconds, the room filled with an average temperature.

"Thanks!" Nayeon said and rolled her eyes for the nth time.

"This is ridiculous If you just have listened to me. You can literally tell if that will happen base on your mathematics skills and accurate result." Jihyo said.

"Whatever, I am hungry. I didn't think such... sorry!" Nayeon forcefully said.

"But, my responsibility is only on Jeongyeon and Jihyo. You guys, It's not even my fault why you are here." Nayeon said.

"I wonder how are the other three," Sana mumbled.

"How did you got in here anyway?" Jihyo asked on Dahyun and Y/N.

"I bet you saw it," Y/N said.

"Oh... I didn't expect you'll be falling in this detention because of that stupidity." Jihyo mocks.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about? Mind to share? We are feeling bored too." Jeongyeon said.

Dahyun sighed and tell the story.

"If Y/N just run faster-"

"If you just counted it right. You said on three but you didn't even count up to three. Do you even know how to count?" Y/N hissed.

"Aishh, I'm hungry. Now we need to stay here. We'll be dead before we can get out of this room." Nayeon ranted.

"We will only be staying here for an hour. Stop being dramatic." Tzuyu butted in.

"Wait, I have bread here," Y/N said.

"Great, let's have small pieces for each. It will save us." Nayeon sarcastically said.

"Dahyun, can you give it a try?" Y/N asked.

"Ohh! You're so smart!" Dahyun said and gets the bread on Y/N.

She focuses again and the bread multiplied, enough for each of them.

"Woah!" The others uttered.

"Great, now we need drinks," Nayeon said.

"Is this enough?" Sana asked and put out a bottle of green tea in her bag and pass it to Tzuyu so she can hand it to Dahyun.

"I hate green tea but not in this kind of situation," Tzuyu said and handed the bottle to Dahyun.

Dahyun repeated the process and in just a snap of a minute, they got each for them.

"This is amazing, not bad Dahyun," Nayeon said.

Everyone came busy eating their food until Jihyo cut it off.

"Oh great," Jihyo uttered.

"Why?" Tzuyu asked as she saw the latter's right eye came green.

"They are talking about us. What the fuck? They even called us rebel royalties! Where's the class on it!?" Jihyo hissed.

Her green eye faded as it turned back to its original color, brown.

"Correction, rebel royalties plus one that is not," Nayeon said and looked at Y/N.

"Well I'm not supposedly here if D-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Y/N." Dahyun hissed.

"What a great first day to start a school year." Sana sighed.

"I thought everything will be fine?" Jeongyeon asked Nayeon.

"Duh, the only constant changes. Who knows? My computation didn't last until this time." Nayeon excused.

"But one thing is I am sure about," Nayeon said.

"What is it?"-Sana.

"That girl is not living in this kingdom," Nayeon said.

"Well it's not ours."-Jihyo.

"I know, she won't attack us if she's living in 1st, 2nd, or 5th Kingdom. Means the rest maybe... on her attitude, I can conclude it's from Elsa's kingdom." Nayeon said.

"Fuck your intuitions, that doesn't even make sense," Tzuyu said.

"Who cares what Kingdom does that girl belongs to. What I am thinking is the students think about us. Now they are probably thinking that we will just cause misfortune in the future. We are literally the next in line!" Dahyun said.

"That's possible," Nayeon said.

"You know it's possible yet you got into this trouble, how ironic!"- Tzuyu said.

All of them went silent. The room is filling with deep sighs.

"Anyway... So Jihyo, your power is seeing something in the future, right?" Tzuyu asked.

They all looked at Jihyo as she nodded.

"Technically speaking, my right eye sees the future. It turns green whenever I use it." Jihyo said.

"Aishh should have listened to you. Maybe I am not here." Tzuyu hissed.

"Why?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Remember, she told me not to stick with this girl? If I just know that my bad luck will start when I'm with her." Tzuyu sighed.

"Wow, thank me for saving you, huh." Sana huffed as she pouts.

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