Her Reality!

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In the midst dark forest, the sky is all black because of the new moon, the only light that makes the surrounding visible is the flames come out from the bunch of burning wooden. It shows the mix of green and dry grass, big trees that cover the sky with their arms...

Two-person is sitting in front of the fire, their black dress is mix with the darkness, one of them is questioning by looking at the other who is staring at the flame, "What will be our next move now? She already reaches there where she belongs to."

The other person replies by wipes the hands on a piece of cloth, "It's the time for her to know who she is? Why she get birth and the most important thing, who is her foe?" Another person asks by narrowing brows, "But how?" Smirking the person stands up and says,

"I already played the first move, now we just have to wait and watch. In all twenty-two years, we keep are hidden far from everything." Another person nodded, "Because we aren't sure about her." Rubbing both palms other replies,

"But destiny themselves play an important role and send her the place she belongs. She is with him for one month, we were waiting for the day when she comes to know the truth and now, when it finally happened....it's time to reveal the most important thing.. Her identity."

Shenaaz is roaming all around the room by keep biting her nails, trying to compose all new pieces of information she received just. The witch, werewolf, mates.. Remember the day when she visited that weird floor on the castle, never thought her joke of him being a magician comes true..

Or can say the exact word, witch. But he is a werewolf and a vampire also. How can this all be possible? It looks like three in one type of things, how can three genes exist in one person? All this just shows one thing that he is a dangerous, very dangerous monster..

And the soulmate thing, she would never believe in whatever he said if didn't feel the sensations herself. But how could a monster be her soulmate? She admits that a little attracted towards him from starting, her nerves feel a sudden calmness and sensation altogether on his arms.

And if he brought her because of that reason then why tortured her from the starting? She admits not physically but mentally he did a lot, keep her locked in a castle-like Disney princess, lied to her all the time and about him being a killer..a devil..

In between all these confusions, her mind also stuck on the mysterious man. Who is he? Did sidharth know him? Is he also some supernatural beings? It can be because he came to her dream two times and it's not any normal dream...

In both dreams, he asked her to stay away from someone, and that someone can only be sidharth because he is the only person around her all the time. Is that person a saviour for her? Holding her head she sits on the bed, "I am not able to understand anything."

Looking at the door she narrowed her brows and move towards another attempt to go outside. She tries to take out her one hand outside and for her shock, the spell is not working anymore. Smiling slightly she looks here and there and rushes outside.

She tiptoed carefully by looking all around, don't know what's the truth but right at this moment, she wants to be all alone..away from him, away from everything. Despite going from the door, she jumped outside by the kitchen window. Wherever he kept her, it looks like a small cottage.

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