(Cute shehn...aaz)

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CH - 26

"It's a very relaxing feeling when the raindrops poking over our skin, its arises goosebumps all around our body by giving a tingling sensation. Nothing in this world can be beautiful than pouring in rain, it's clear everything you have on mind, give a piece, take you another world where only calmness exists..."

"But this is not raining sana, it's a shower." Sighs sana and close the tap. Wearing the bathrobe she huffs, "I hope it will rain today, at least I can have some fun. Otherwise, the khusat will never let my fun here, always just bossing around me. Hun..and he is a problem with my hun also .."

She is blabbering in front of the mirror when a voice comes from outside, "In five minutes come outside, otherwise, I will come there." Sidharth closes his eyes by saying, he can clearly hear whatever complaint she did. Why shouldn't he have any problem with her hun? Whenever he asks anything she gives the same answer and it will irritate him to hell.

And because of her, he starts using that word.. Sana widened her eyes by hearing his threatening words, why this man has to behave like a devil all the time? She is fed up with him now, shaking head she turns to take the clothes when received a sudden shock which shakes her to the core.

How can she become so careless? She forgets to take the clothes from the closet, what will she do now? He is sitting outside, threatening her to come out in five minutes and here she is standing in a bathrobe. Already there is so much in her life, why this universe has to give her another?

Biting nails she leans to the door and tries to think some ways, but there's only one possible way because she can't do some magic here. Having no other option she knocks on the door two times and says, "Is anyone there?" Sidharth opens his eyes with an irritated reaction.

"What with this girl now?" Sighing he decides to keep quiet and see what she is actually trying to do. It can be she is hiding something and don't want to come to it in front of him. Is she lying to him? Thinking something he moves towards the closest and decide to see what she is up to.

Here sana again asks by knocking loudly but getting no response she thought that he might go somewhere. If that, then is really something she wishes deadly this time. Taking a breath she opens the lock slowly and leans outside by taking out his head, "Wow, khusat is not here.."

"This is really good." Here sidharth colliding her brows in confusion, he is ready to catch her red-handed but suddenly someone running to him and collides to his hard chest. Sana runs from the washroom before he comes but a hard wall suddenly comes in her path.

She is going to fall back but hold his shirt tightly, his one hand is wrapped unknowingly around her waist. Opening eyes as soon as she looks upwards her heart drop to the feet in shock, breath stuck inside...what the hell is he doing here? He stares at her face with a confusing frown...

Which changes soon into an unknown one, once he saw her.. She is in his arms in a pinch bathrobe that barely reaches to her mid-thigh, falling slightly down from her bare shoulder where the water droplets from her hair finding their ways and lost in the cleavage.

Suddenly his eyes fall on a black mark which he never saw before, something in a heart shape looks like a birthmark...the reality hit him hard that she is only standing in this piece of cloth in front of him. He never thought in that way for her but right now want to just push her to the wall and claim every inch of her body..

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