one hundred and one

Start from the beginning

Cassie was just about to clean up the ink when she looked down at the parchment and fell out of her chair in fright.

"Well." She murmured to herself as she sat on the floor, rubbing her elbow. "There's one reason I'm not a Gryffindor."

Cassie then peered over the top of the desk and frowned when she read what was now written on the parchment - she really wanted to get her wand out and poke the air in case their was a ghost hidden in the dorm.

But she thought that was slightly far-fetched.

But she also thought the fact that the piece of parchment had just told her off for swearing was also very far-fetched.

'Mr Moony would like to question why the lady believes such profanities are needed.'

"Where's your brain?" Cassie pulled her wand from her pocket and prodded the parchment with it, she let out a small squeal as the writing disappeared and new writing appeared where it had just been.

'Mr Padfoot would like to return the question and ask the hideous witch to keep her wand to herself.'

'Mr Prongs apologises for Mr Padfoot and would like to mention that he thinks the lady is very pretty.'

Cassie blinked, her face a mixture between confusion and amusement.

She slowly made her way up from the floor and sat back in her chair, forgetting about the spilt ink and resting her hand in it.

"Oh." She muttered before waving her wand and nodding, satisfied, when all the ink disappeared.

Cassie bent over the parchment, pushing her glasses further up her nose when they slipped over slightly, with her eyes squinted as she tried to find some sense behind it.

Slowly, she prodded her wand with it again, whispering in an amused yet hesitant tone:

"Urm. . , show yourself parchment with a mind thingy. ?"

There was a few seconds before the writing once again disappeared only to have new writing in its place.

Whatever it was, Cassie had to admit that it was very clever magic. She assumed it was some kind of product from a joke shop as she didn't think anyone in Hogwarts would have been able to make something that extraordinary.

'Mr Wormtail asks the lady if she could keep her snotty nose to herself.'

'Mr Padfoot begs the ugly hag if she could step away from the parchment before she contaminates it.'

'Mr Moony agrees with Mr Padfoot and Mr Wormtail and hopes the lady falls off her chair again.'

'Mr Prongs wishes the pretty lady a good day.'

Cassie let out a small snort and before she could do or say anything more to the parchment, the door to the dorm opened and James walked in.

He smiled and then he caught sight of what Cassie was looking at and his smile only grew slightly.

"Your parchment insulted me." Cassie admitted as she held up the piece of parchment to James face after she stood up and took a few steps towards him.

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