Chapter 84

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Later, the two were in the forest.

Luca was amazed at the elegance with which the young Togruta moved through nature.

It seemed as if none of her injuries existed anymore.

"I guess you feel comfortable in the forest?" he said with a grin.

Ahsoka nodded. "All alive." she replied as she climbed up a tree with a few skillful movements.

"It feels like the whole world is peaceful and safe."

Luca tried to follow her up the tree. "It's noticeable in you. Back home, the injuries seem to affect you more."

Ahsoka bit her lower lip.

"It's just easier to ignore the pain out here" she admitted as she held out her hand to help him up.

He grabbed it and sat next to her on the branch a moment later.

"Ignoring them? You look like you fell off a cliff. Twice. How can you ignore something like that?" he wanted to know.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"It just works. It was worse a while ago, I had to fight all the time to stay awake. But now it's going really well. I guess I just got used to it."

He shook his head. "It's not right to get used to something like that I think. Or rather, it's not right to have to get used to something like this. You don't deserve that." he clarified.

Ahsoka remained silent for a moment, directing her nonexistent gaze toward the ground.

"Do you know?" she asked, her voice devoid of any emotion.

"Do you know what I deserve? Not even I know that. I don't remember Luca. It could be that I was once a really horrible person. None of us can know" she murmured softly and swallowed.

She knew herself that she was right. She had no idea who she was.

But she had killed that bird, she knew that. And how could a non-evil person do such a thing? Be able to do such a thing.

"But now you're not" Luca replied.

"You're a nice girl. And the first one I know who is my age and doesn't make fun of me. So I don't think you deserve it. And I'm sticking with that."

Ahsoka smiled slightly at his words, for they warmed her heart.

It was nice to know that this boy, a complete stranger, thought she was someone that deserved to live.

"Is it very bad?" he wanted to know.

She raised her head questioningly.

"To not remember? Is that very bad?"

Ahsoka considered for a moment. Was it?

It took her a moment to come up with an answer.

"It's fine. It's a weird feeling when you try to remember. But the dreams make up for it."

Luca's signature reflected his confusion.

"What dreams?" he wanted to know curiously.

"Can you tell me? So... if it's okay for you?"

Ahsoka nodded. Yes it was okay for her. Very much so.

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