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"Please Madam Pomfrey-"

"No, you need to rest."

James blinked at the medi-witch a few times.

James was sitting up in one of the Hospital Wing beds, there were a couple of pillows supporting his back and keeping him upright. One of his arms was in a sling, bruises and scratches littered his face, a practically large gash went through his eyebrow and along the left hand side of his face and he kept wincing slightly as he breathed.

"What am I doing now then? Because I'm hardly practicing for a circus."

Madam Pomfrey didn't look amused as Remus let out a soft snort from his bed besides James'.

Remus looked slightly better than James, he too was littered in cuts and bruises but they didn't look as deep as James', one of his arms had a nasty scratch that went from his shoulder to the middle of his forearm and it didn't look as if it had healed at all, a large bruise rested at the bottom of his neck and he looked as if he had slept in weeks.

Both of them looked as if they had been dropped of the Astronomy Tower.

"That is besides the point Mr Potter-"

"Oh, go on Poppy," James grinned. "You know you love Cassie."

Madam Pomfrey looked at James for a moment before she nodded once.

James let out a 'Yes!' and fist-pumped the air with his unbandaged arm while Remus grinned at the woman.

"Knew there was a reason why you were the best." James said as Madam Pomfrey walked away from James and Remus' beds and towards the entrance to the hospital wing. She returned a few moments later followed by Cassie.

"Holy shit - shiver me timbers." Cassie quickly changed what she was saying when Madam Pomfrey sent her a sharp look before walking into her office and shutting the door behind her.

A small smile appeared on her face when she noticed that James was wearing the quidditch jumper that she had gotten him for his birthday, but it quickly vanished the more her eyes scanned over the pair and noticed the cuts and bruises on them.

"You two look peachy." Cassie said, but the worry she felt was evident in her voice by the way it quivered as she spoke.

"I feel as if I could do a million backflips and then do more." James said with a small grin, but it quickly faded as he noticed the frown on his girlfriends face.

"Hey, Cass, what's wrong?" James shuffled over in his bed and patted the spot next to him. Cassie hesitantly made her way over to James and say down besides him, James wrapped his good arm around her and pulled her close to him.

"I was just worried." Cassie admitted in a mutter.

James pulled Cassie slightly closer to him and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Awe, you sap."

Cassie blinked up at James and Remus rolled his eyes with a small smirk.

"I'm joking - and no need to worry anymore, love, we're both fine. Maybe a few cuts and what not but other than that we're tip top and ready to go."

Cassie looked unsure as she glanced over at Remus before she looked back up at James.

"And Madam Pomfrey said we'll be okay before we can spell medicine, I can't spell it yet but Remus can so that's a start."

Cassie let out a soft laugh as Remus rolled his eyes once again.

"It's not hard to spell." Remus said and James was quick to stick his middle finger up at his friend.

bruises - james potter Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant