Cassie took a deep breath before she pushed open the door to the Hospital Wing with a shaky hand.


"This is utter bullshit!"


"No, don't you fucking Cass me."

". . . but that's your name?"

Regulus raised one of his eyebrows slightly as he watched Cassie send him a sharp look while she paced back and forth in front of him.

Cassie's school uniform was a mess; her white, untucked shirt was full of creases that were extremely evident in the white cotton and the top few buttons of it were undone; her tie was no longer around her neck, even loosely, and was now shoved into her bag in anger; one of her socks was pulled up past her knee while the other was bunched up by her ankle.

Cassie stopped pacing for a moment and glanced towards the closed Hospital Wing door. She let out a small, yet audible, sigh as she started to pace once again.

Regulus couldn't have counted how many times she had looked at the door, but not once had she made a movement to open it again.

The halls of the school were now silent, bar the off shouting teacher that came from behind a closed classroom door and the noise of Cassie's feet hitting the dented concrete of the floor as she paced.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

"Cass, stop pacing, you're going to create a hole in the floor." Regulus was sitting near Cassie on one of the windowsills, the small heat that came from the sun was warming his back.

Cassie didn't stop as she sent another sharp look in his direction and Regulus was strongly reminded of Professor McGonagall when she did so.

"Cassie." Regulus said, more sternly than the last time and his eyebrows were now furrowed slightly.

"Sit down, pacing won't do anything."

Cassie nodded her head once as she stopped pacing and moved so that she was sitting next to Regulus, she didn't waste a moment before placing her head on his shoulder.

"It just feels fucked up Reg."Cassie muttered after a minute of silence had passed between the two of them.

"It's not fair, I'm his girlfriend, I should be allowed to see him - but at the same time I understand where Madam Pomfrey is coming from."

Regulus frowned as his sister spoke and he too moved his head so that it was resting on top of Cassie's.

Both of them stared at the blank wall opposite them.

"I just want to see him and make sure he's okay. If Madam Pomfrey would tell me anything then I'd be content. But I haven't heard a peep."

Cassie and Regulus simultaneously let out short sighs, but neither of them laughed like they normally would've at that.

Regulus didn't know what to say.

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