𝐋𝐢𝐩 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐜 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝)

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Tom had just gone on stage to perform his dance against Zendaya.

You were stood back stage with Harrison, Jacob and Harry. They didn't know what Tom was about to perform, but you did.

He had told you because he was too excited to keep it a secret.

Tom was stood at the front of the stage 'singing in the rain' started playing and all the people watching were cheering. You were aware of what was going to happen next and you couldn't wait for everyones reaction.

Zendaya was sat at the other side of the stage, watching Tom as he danced around the stage.

Tom began to walk to the end of the stage where nobody could see him, Zendaya moved a little bit forward to get a better view, but before she could see him, 'Umbrella' by Rihanna began to play.

You watched as everyone in the crowd began to scream and you saw Zendaya, shock painted across her face.

Behind you were Harry, Jacob and Harrison and together they were all laughing.

Tom walked to the front of the stage dressed as Rihanna as he lip synced the song.

"Did you know he was going to do this y/n?" Harry whispered into you ear.

You could just about hear him because the music was so loud, but you proudly replied with, "yep!"

Tom was almost finished with his performance. The whole of the crowd were still lively and cheering even louder than they were when Tom had started.

Tom ended his performance off with a front flip, making the whole crowd scream ten times louder than they already were (which you didn't think was possible)


The cameras cut and there was a break. Tom stood up from the wet ground and walked over to the front of the stage.

He grabbed a white robe and threw it over his shoulders, Zendaya ran out onto the stage to congratulate him.

"that was actually pretty cool!" She said to him with a laugh.

"thanks, you weren't too bad yourself" Tom replied with a smirk.

Tom and Zendaya both walked back stage to where you and the others were.

"that was sick!" Jacob shouted as Tom walked over.

Tom had a huge smile painted on his face and you could tell that he was proud of himself.

You knew by Toms performance that he was going to win the lip sync battle for sure!

The cameras were getting ready to roll again and Tom and Zendaya were called back on stage.

Tom quickly leaned towards you and brushed a kiss on your lips. "good luck" you whisper to him.

"thanks babe" tom replies with a smile and then walks back on stage.


They were about to announce the winner of the lip sync battle. Of course you were rooting for Tom, so you stood with your fingers crossed waited for the winner to be announced.

"and the winner is... Tom Holland!"

The crowd went crazy and so did you. You were shouting like you were his biggest fan (which you were)

"So Tom we know that you have Mj in your movie, but we have heard that you have an Mj In real life" The woman on stage said.

Tom blushed a little. "yeah thats true, her name is y/n and she is actually here with me today." Tom told her.

"Well where is the lucky girl" the woman says.

Tom looks over at you and signals for you to come on stage. You blush a little, but with persuasion from the boys you end up going on stage.

You stand beside Tom and look out at all the people.

'how can Tom perform in front of all these people so easily?' you think to yourself.


After talking for a while, the cameras cut again and you all walked off stage.

Tom was holding onto your hand and when you were finally back stage, Tom pulled you towards him and kissed you on the lips.

"Tom you were honestly amazing!" you say as you pull away from toms lips, shortly after regretting the empty feeling.

"thanks babe and thanks guys for coming along" Tom said looking to everyone.

"No problem man, you were great!" Harrison said, honestly meaning it.

You hug Tom, resting your head on his chest. He wraps his arms around you and then kisses you on the head.

"I should call you Rihanna from now on" You joke and tom just laughs.

𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now