Chapter 48

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The Common room was quiet. Most people were in the library or outside enjoying th sun while it lasted. Us, however, sat in the Common, indulging in a meaningless discussion. I had been successful in making friends from my house, as well as outside. Having inherited my sibling's social approach certainly helped. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed hanging around Draco and Blaise. Those two had helped me a lot. Both were almost like brothers.

"Hey, don't mean to ditch, but I have to go. I have a date," Blaise smirked. Draco sat up from his slumped position, waiting for him to say more.

"Who's the lucky girl?" He folded his arms smugly. Blaise's smile faltered for a moment before replying.

"You'll see, one day." Draco and I sat in silence for a moment after Blaise had left before he finally spoke up."Heard you tried out for the Quidditch team?" He smiled warmly. I nodded proudly.

"Tried out for a chaser, once again breaking tradition," I laughed. After thinking for a moment, I remembered Layla saying how Draco played Seeker. Why wasn't he playing this year? Had something happened? "Hey, didn't you play Seeker? Why not this year?" He frowned, looking down at his hands.

"I just don't have the time, you know?" I nodded, but deep down, I knew it was more than just that. "Your sister, she tried for Hufflepuff Seeker, didn't she?" A smile spread across my cheeks simultaneously to the blush that rose in his cheeks. "I mean-"

"Yeah, she did," I shook my head, laughing slightly. They clearly liked each other. I figured that out when he came for Christmas.

But something that continued to baffle me was that they never spoke. Layla had shared her concern for Draco. She was scared for him. Draco was paler than usual, clearly had lost weight and never seemed to talk to anyone. Anytime Layla bought it up, she would either tear up or lose all her colour, as if she were going to be sick. It was tearing her up. We all could tell.

"She's worried sick about you, you know that?" I barely whispered. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes as they glistened with tears. His mouth opened and closed, but no noise came out. Instead, he stood and left the room, a pit of guilt formed in my stomach. I had obviously struck a nerve. I didn't mean to, though. But Layla was my sister, and I was going to look out for her.I had to. I need to keep her safe.
"Potions?!" Daniel cried out exasperatedly, "again?!" I shook my head but continued to frantically write notes.

"Look, with Snape's extra tutoring, I should be able to get ahead." He gaped and looked at me in shock.

"You mean, more ahead than you already-"

"Layla!" Eleanor squealed, "you did it! Oh my god, I'm so proud!" I jumped at the sudden attack and turned my head in confusion.

"What did I do?" I asked. I had no clue what she was talking about. It's Wednesday, so... DADA homework? No, surely not, Eleanor wouldn't know anything about it. Upon my question, she remained still but looked at me as if she were trying to decide whether I was joking. "Eleanor!" I said, tired of the apprehension. "What is it?"She sat up straight, looking at me in shock.

"You haven't seen it?"

"Seen what?"

"The list!" She yelled, "Hufflepuff Quidditch team, they put up a list!" I gaped before grabbing her hand and running off. My heart was beating faster than I could explain. What if I had taken a chance on the one thing I had always wanted to do and failed. Maybe my parents were right. Perhaps Quidditch wasn't a girls game. No, you aren't your mother, Layla. It's a game, a game you were perfectly built for.

"Look," Eleanor pointed excitedly at the parchment that was attached to the door of Madame Hooch's office. I scanned the paper with apprehension. Using my finger to guide my view down to the position Seeker. Seeker... I got it. I am the new Hufflepuff Seeker. I stepped back and squealed, bumping into someone on the way. It was Oscar.

"Hey, watch out, captain," he laughed, hitting my shoulder gently. Huh? I looked at him with raised eyebrows. What on earth did he- Wait, did I? I rushed back to the paper, finding where it said the captain. And there it was, my name in bold print. I smiled to myself before looking down the row of people, finally finding Oscar Slinkhard. Just like I said, his name was in line with the word Beater. "You were right. I guess nearly pushing you off your broom did me a favour."

"Yeah, alright," I scoffed before walking back to the great hall, Eleanor beside me. "See you around, Slinkhard!"

"You too, Captain!"


"It doesn't even matter, to be honest," Blaise laughed, "Hufflepuff hasn't won the cup in... Ever?" I shook my head and laughed, as did the rest of them.

"Hey," I said, a fake tone of offence playing in my voice. "It's actually not a bad team, ya know? New talent, new outlook, I think we might have a chance." Blaise looked at me in disbelief, though a smirk remained on his face.

"Alright then," he said, sticking his hand out, "a bet. If Hufflepuff wins, then... I will give you five galleons. If any other house wins, you do the same for me." Everyone gasped humorously as Blaise and I stood face to face.

"Deal," I smiled, sticking my hand out to meet his. Everyone was in hysterics at this point, knowing full well that by the end of the year, Blaise would be five galleons richer.

There were six of us in the Gryffindor Common room. Neville, Dean and Seamus had snuck Eleanor, Daniel, Blaise and I in. It was unlikely we would be caught. Besides, even if we were seen by McGonagall, she wouldn't mind. We had been joking around for a while now and somehow got onto the topic of Quidditch. They were all excited to hear my news, though Blaise outlook on my team's chances was dim.I took a moment to check my watch, gasping at the sight of the time.

"Jeez, I think it's time we all get back. It's already twelve." Eleanor gasped and started gathering her things in a panicked matter. "Jeez, El, why are you-"

"I was supposed to meet someone at twelve, I better hurry. Wait, are you alright to walk back yourself?" I nodded, acknowledging her stressed state and not wanting to interfere. We all watched as she ran out the door, items falling from her bag as she did so. Whoever she was meeting, it was clearly significant.

Soon after, Daniel got up and left. Blaise said he would stick around for a while, causing Neville to smile to himself, not going unnoticed by myself.

I sighed, picking up my bag and wishing everyone goodnight. And then I was once again roaming the corridors of the castle. It was getting much colder now, so I tried my best to speed up.

But as I turned a corner on the second floor, I felt a cold hand wrap around my wrist, and before I knew it, I was in a broom closet. Much to my luck, as well. A set of footsteps soon came down the corridor, accompanied my mumbling. I felt something rise in my chest. Oh god, not again. A quiet noise escaped my lips, a hiccup. The hand flew from my wrist and up to my mouth. The footsteps slowed momentarily, but after a moment of silence, they started again and faded out.

I continued to hiccup as the hand moved and opened the door of the cupboard. I turned to face the person who had saved me from detention.And there, in all his glory, stood Draco Malfoy. Overcome by emotions, as I looked at his face, I felt tears fall down my cheeks. At that moment, the only thing I could do was run away. Into my dorm, closing the door behind me.Tear tracks stained my cheeks as I watched the pictures that flashed inside my locket. The very locket that Draco had given me.

God, I missed him.

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