"- and she called James, Potter, which she hasn't done since they started dating-"

Sirius interjected, looking between Madam Pomfrey, whose eyes were now filled with worry and her eyebrows were furrowed deeply, and James as he spoke.

Lily and Marlene sat down on the bed opposite Cassie, both of them worried for Cassie, but also listening closely to what the boys were saying, in case they had something that they could add in to help any of them understand what was going on.

"Then ever since she's just been having small episode type things where she'll forget something really easily, or something she should definitely remember, before it goes just as quick as it came. But they're getting more frequent." James stopped speaking, looking down at Cassie, who was still looking at her and James' hand, watching the way his thumb ran over the back of her hand.

Cassie didn't know how to explain it, but James' thumb running over the back of her hand was the time someone touching her had brought her comfort. It made her feel at ease, even when she felt as if her head was going to explode.

But she also knew, that overall, James brought her comfort, and that was something she loved him for. That he was the first person who wasn't a family member to show her what it felt like to be loved, and to show her that she could feel whole again.

James had showed her the beauty of the world when she had been living in the shadows for so long.

Sirius looked at James and carried on talking for him, not wanting James to feel too upset talking about it.

"We knew something was wrong, Poppy, for a while actually and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why we didn't come to you earlier. But we knew we had to do something about it when Nova Goyle told us that even she saw that something was wrong with her."

"So here you are." Madam Pomfrey commented, her voice almost as quiet as a whisper.

"Here we are." Sirius said.

The room went quiet, the only sound being those of other patients who were letting out the odd cough, or letting out small groans of pain as they had bones mended.

Madam Pomfrey was confused to say the least.

She'd never heard of anything like that before: people forgetting random things at random times? She wasn't sure if anything like that had been in any of the books she had read as she trained to become a medi-witch.

She was almost certain that the entire thing was completely unheard of.

But Madam Pomfrey wasn't going to tell the students in front of her that.

Of course she wasn't.

She hadn't yet had a case that she couldn't solve, yes, sometimes they needed more help that she could give. Meaning that they went to Saint Mungo's hospital, but she was always the one who told the doctors there why.

And she wasn't going to let Cassie be the first case that she couldn't solve the problem of.

Especially not when she saw the worried looks on all of her friends faces, and Madam Pomfrey was sure that her own face didn't look far off theirs.

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