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It was now morning and we were in the room with Bob, saying our last goodbyes before he dies. I'm going to miss him. He's a good guy, he doesn't deserve to die like this.

"You'll always be with us. Part of us." Maggie said.

I was holding in my tears during the whole thing. When she got up, I sat down next to him and smiled at him with tears falling down my cheeks.

"I'll miss you Bob, you're a good man and I'm sad to see you go. You were a great friend to everyone and remember that you'll never leave us because you'll always be in our hearts." I said, kissing his hand.

We all started to leave the room until Bob called Rick. Rick handed Judith to me and I walked out and sat down on a pew and smiled through my tears while Judith was playing with my finger.

After a little bit, Rick walked out and went towards me and sat down next to me.

"She thinks my finger is a toy." I said, trying to cheer me and him up.

"To babies they are." He said, leaning over and kissing the top of Judith's head.

I put my head on his shoulder and looked in front of me. Sasha soon came out crying and we knew Bob died. I handed Judith to Rick and stood up. I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her and she did the same and cried into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Sasha, I understand what you're going through." I said.

"How?" She asked, looking at me.

"I lost a brother long ago. And now my second brother is missing. So I completely understand what you're going through but remember, he's still with you in your heart and he's watching over you from above. He will never leave you because he's with you in spirit." I said.

"Thank you Maddie." She said, hugging me again.

"I'll always be here for you whenever you need someone to talk to." I said, rubbing her back.

We buried Bob and mourned his death. I was next to Glenn when Abraham spoke.

"This is our route to D.C. We'll stick to it as long as we're able. If not, you got our destination." Abraham said, handing Rick a map. "Once Eugene gets to the big brains left there, things are gonna bounce back." He said. I looked at Eugene and it looks like he wants to say something but doesn't and I think he's hiding something. "This group should be there for it." He said. "You should be there." He added.

"They will be." Maggie said.

"We will." Michonne said.

Rick turned around and looked at them. I suddenly got dizzy again but this time I fell but Glenn caught me.

"Are you okay Maddie?" Glenn asked, holding onto me.

"Yeah, just sudden dizziness that's all. It'll go away in a little bit." I replied.

Abraham and the others walked to the bus and Rick walked over to me. He helped me to the steps and sat me down on one. We looked at the bus and waved at them. After they left, Rick helped me inside and sat me on a pew.

"Thanks Rick." I said, winking at him.

"Anytime....babe." He said, winking back before walking outside again.

"Are you sure you're okay Maddie?" Michonne asked, sitting next to me.

"Yeah I'm sure. Before the apocalypse, I got dizzy at times and I went to the doctor before and he said that I was healthy and that it was just a dizzy spell." I told her.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now