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We were all in the same room as Bob and Carl was tapping a finger on his gun. I was sitting in the chair just waiting and praying that they'll be okay. I heard the door in the church open and I was more scared. Carl loaded his gun and aimed it at the door.

"Well I guess you know we're here!" We heard Gareth shout. "And we know you're here. And we're armed so there's no point in hiding anymore." He said.

I quietly stood up and walked behind Carl. I saw Gabriel in the corner, scared but I had to try to stay calm.

"We've been watching you. We know exactly who's here." He said. "There's Bob, unless you already put him out of his misery, and Eugene. Rosita. Maddie. Tyreese. Carl. Judith." He said. "Rick and the rest walked out with a whole lot of your guns. We don't know where you all are but this isn't a big place. Let's just stop this now before everything gets more painful than they need to be." He continued.

The door started to rattle and someone was trying to get inside. We all stayed quiet so they weren't hear us in the room.

"Look we know you're behind one of these two doors and we have more than enough firepower to take them both down. I don't think that's what any of you would want." Gareth said. We then heard a gun cock. "What about the priest? Father you help us wrap this up, and we'll let you walk away from this. All you have to do is open the door and you can go, you can take the baby with you. What do you say?" He said.

I looked at Gabriel and shook my head, telling him not to move. Judith started crying which gave our position away.

"Damnit." I mumbled under my breath.

I went to her and put the bottle in her mouth to try to keep her quiet which helped.

"I don't know. Maybe we'll keep the kid, I'm starting to like this girl." I heard Gareth say. "That's your last chance to tell us you're coming out." He said.

We stayed quiet and stayed where we were no matter what he says. I then heard Rick speak.

"Put your guns on the floor." Rick said.

"Rick, we'll fire right into that office. So you lower your gun-" He said, before he yelled out in pain.

"Put your guns on the floor and kneel." Rick said.

"Do what he says." Gareth said, still in pain. We were listening to what was happening but all we heard was Gareth whimpering. "No point in begging, right?" He said.

"No." Rick said. I was relieved that they came back when they did.

"You could've killed us when you came in." Gareth said. "There had to be a reason for why you didn't." He added.

"We didn't want to waste the bullets." Rick said.

"We used to help people, we saved people. Things changed. They came in and-" He said, before I heard him groaning. "After that-I know that you've been out there, but I can see it. You don't know what it is to be hungry. You don't have to do this, we can walk away and we will never have to cross paths again." Gareth said. He could be lying about that. "I promise." He added.

"But you'll cross someone's path. You'd do this to anyone, right? Besides, I already made you a promise." Rick said, before I heard Gareth scream.

I can tell that they're killing Gareth and his group. I was holding Judith to calm her down. Tyreese opened the door slightly and looked out and I heard the sound of blades entering the bodies. He started backing away from the door.

"It could've been us." Rick said.

Rick came into the room and saw me holding Judith with tears in my eyes. He walked over and pulled me, Carl and Judith into a hug.

"I'm glad you're all okay." Rick said.

I handed Judith to Carl and me and Rick walked out. I grabbed one of our water bottles and a rag then went outside. We sat on the steps and I got the rag wet.

"It's a good thing you showed up when you did. I was relieved and hell I thought they would have killed us before you got back." I said. I was cleaning the blood off of his face and chest.

"Don't think that way Maddie, we won't let anything happen to any of you." He said.

His face was cleaned of blood and I put the rag and water bottle down and hugged him, crying into his shoulder.

"I can't help but think that. I thought we were goners and I was scared." I said. "I was scared we were going to die. I was so scared Rick." I said, looking at him with tears in my eyes. He pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back.

"It's okay, I'm here Maddie. Shh, you're okay." He said. I pulled away and placed my lips on his and kissed him. We pulled away to catch our breath and he looked at me. "I won't let anything to you, you know that. I'll protect you, our child and everyone else with everything I have." He said, looking me in the eyes.

"I love you so much Rick." I said, putting my forehead against his.

"I love you too Maddie." He said, kissing me.

We went inside and got some rest. I was laying beside Rick on the floor and I had my arm around his waist and my head was on his chest. He kissed the top of my head before we fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now