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We were preparing for a fight and I'm not gonna lie, I was scared but we needed to get out of here before we die.

"Alright, I see four of those freaks coming our way." Daryl told us.

"You all know what to do." Rick said. He looked me looking worried but I assured him that I'll be okay. "Go for their eyes first. Then their throats." He said.

"Put your backs to the walls on either end of the car!" A man shouted from outside. "Now!" He shouted again.

A hatch above us opened and something got dropped in and we couldn't see each other.

"Rick?!" I shouted.

"I'm still here Maddie!" I heard shout.

Next thing I knew, I passed out. I then woke up in front of a large tub with my hands tied back, my ankles tied and my mouth gagged. I turned my head to look at Rick with fear evident in my eyes. I looked around and saw someone sawing a corpse and a man walked over and was sharpening a knife.

I turned and saw one of the men hit someone in the back of the head then slit his throat open. I began to cry more than I already was. They did the same to two other people then did the same thing to the person next to me then came behind me. Gareth then walked into the room.

"Hey guys give me your shot counts." Gareth said, looking at me and smirked before looking down at the book in his hand. They got to me and before they were able to hit me, Gareth spoke. "Hey. Your shot count?" He said.

"Crap man, I'm sorry. This is my first round up." A man behind me said.

"When you're done here, go back and count the shells." Gareth said. "Four from A. Four from D?" Gareth asked.

"Yeah." Someone answered. Bob was trying to talk and Gareth took the gag out of his mouth.

"Don't do this, we can stop this." Bob said.

"No, we can't." Gareth said, about to put the gag back in when Bob spoke again.

"You don't have to do this. We told you there's a way out of this, you just have to take the chance. We have a man who knows how to stop it." Bob said. "He has a cure, we just have to get him to Washington. You don't have to do this man, we can put the world back to where it was." He said.

"You can't go back Bob." Gareth said, putting the gag back in his mouth. He then knelt down in front of Rick and pulled his gag out. "Saw you going in the woods with a bag and come out without it. I'll put my spotters back in position then go look for it. What was in it?" He asked. Rick stayed quiet then Gareth spoke again. "You hid it, right? In case things went bad? Smart. We'll still find it but it's too dangerous to go out there right now." Gareth said.

He pulled out a knife and pulled Bob over the tub and put the tip of the blade in front of his eye.

"What was in it? Just curious. It was a big bag." He said, looking at Rick. "You're really going to let me do this?" He asked.

"Let me take you out there. I'll show you." Rick said.

"Not gonna happen. But this might." Gareth said, moving the knife close to Bobs eye.

"There's guns in it." Rick said.

He started naming the stuff that's in the bag and when he said the machete with a red handle, he said that's what he was going to use to kill Gareth. Gareth put his knife away and gagged Rick again then tapped both of Rick's shoulder.

"Thanks." Gareth said, standing up. "You have two hours to get them in the dryers and in the public face. Sorry but it will get messy." He said.

We heard gunshots coming from outside. A couple minutes later, there were more gunshots and then an explosion which made us fall over.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now