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Me and Rick were down at the fence putting logs up against the fence to help keep the fence up. When Rick went under the log and went to the other side, a walker grabbed his ankle. I quickly grabbed the axe and started chopping the walkers arm off. After doing so, I helped Rick stand back up.

"Glad you're out here with me." He said, smiling at me.

"I'm glad I am too." I responded. Once we finished with that, we went and started chopping more wood to use when we heard a gunshot. "What the hell?" I said, looking in that direction. I was worried about what happened. We saw Maggie running towards it and me and Rick stayed as much as we both wanted to go and help.

Soon everything was quiet and it was now nighttime. Me, Rick and Carl were just sitting and talking until we saw the fence come down.

"Shit!" I shouted, running and grabbing a gun with Rick and Carl following along with me.

We aimed and started shooting the walkers. After a little while, all the walkers were dead except for some of them but they were on the ground. We were walking around stabbing the ones that were still alive in the head, killing them. Once we finished, Carl turned and said something.

"Dad, everything's going to be okay." He said, before walking away from us.

"He's right Rick." I said. "We'll get through this even if we think that we won't but we have to continue trying." I added.

"I hope so." He said, walking to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and we walked into the prison. We walked to the room to talk to Hershel to see a body on the gurney.

"We lost another person." He told us. I looked down and held my tears in. "And we lost Caleb but Glenn is getting better slowly." He told us.

"Caleb was a good man. He took care of me in there but when he couldn't you took over Hershel. Did I ever tell you that you're like a father to me?" I said.

"I can't remember but you're like a daughter to me Maddie." Hershel said, making me smile. "I better go and check on Glenn, I'll talk to you both later." He said, leaving the room.

"I can't wait until all this is over and everything goes back to normal." I said, when me and Rick decided to go to bed so we can have energy for what we have to do tomorrow.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now