- |The Bitch is Back|-

Start from the beginning

The doctor gulps, feeling small under the queen's glare. He understands her frustrations and only wants to help them. "He can be released tomorrow morning. After that, I'll have a nurse go  to the mansion everyday to check up on him."

"Noo, I want to go home now." Hobi begins to cry, clinging onto Jimin for support.

"Will it be alright if I stay with him?" Jimin asks, knowing its best that someone who Hobi is comfortable with stays with him.

"I was going to offer that suggestion." The Doctor smiles at him.

With that said and done, they escorted Hobi back to his room with Jimin. He cried when Dawon had to leave, but she promised him she'll come back for him tomorrow.

That whole night, Hobi cried and complained about wanting to go home. It lasted a few hours until he fell asleep in Jimin's arms.

The next morning, the nurses helped Jimin get Hobi ready to leave. They tried to clean Hobi's wound, but he screamed at them to not touch him.

The poor child felt so traumatized being poked by needles and examined all over.

Eventually they cleaned his wound and applied fresh bandages. After that, they escorted him out the room in a wheelchair, to which he happily enjoyed.

"Jimin hyung, let's go vroom-vroom!!"

"Maybe later." Jimin airs out a chuckle as they take the elevator down to the parking garage, where Dawon and the royal guards are waiting.

They enter the car and leave the hospital in secret so that the news reporters wont harass them, which they have constantly been doing since the coronation.

The drive back home was quiet. Hobi fell asleep during the ride, giving Dawon and Jimin a break as they talked about what will happen next.

"If they take him away, he's going to suffer, especially since he's in little space." Dawon breathes out a low sigh as she looks to her brother sleeping with his head on her shoulder. "We don't have alot of time left Jimin. The trial is soon and I have no idea if my brother will ever be himself again."

"Hoseok will come back, I'm sure of it." Jimin tells her with a soft smile. "I will help you with him since I have experience with the alters."

Dawon looks relieved. Its the first time in a while that she visibly showed that emotion. "Thank you so much Jimin." Dawon places her hand upon his thigh, giving Jimin a a smile that mirrors her brothers. "I'm so happy you are here with him...with us."

Jimin's heart flutters alittle, feeling happy to help. He understands the queen is under alot of pressure and its taking a toll on her. If he can help alleviate her worries, even if its alittle, then he will happily do it.

Dawon has been very good to him while he stood in her mansion, even taking care of him when he had his injuries. They've gotten very close over the week. He sees her like an older sister and understands why Hoseok is very protective over her.

A little too protective given he didn't want Dawon to have the Kim's baby. But that's a memory Jimin is not going to dive into.

When they finally arrived at the mansion, they took Hobi straight to his room. Along the way, he was greeting all the maids, calling them pretty noonas. Dawon had to inform them that Hoseok wasn't well and to not question him on his actions. 

When it came time for a bath, Jimin had to help him, and thankfully the doctor instructed him how to bathe Hobi, making sure his bullet wound wont get infected.

A nurse arrived at the mansion a few hours later, just before Hobi's bed time. Of course Hobi put up a fuss when she had to clean his wound, but Jimin thankfully calmed him down, allowing the nurse to do her job.

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