Prologue: The Realm of the Gods

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Setting: The Realm of the Gods
(Palace of Shén and Megami)

Megami(Goddess of goddesses): Calm down please! They know not of what they do. Please Shén! Don't destroy them.

Shén(God of Gods): No! They've disobeyed my priests, they live opposite from my way, and they've forgotten my power! I will show them I will wipe out the whole planet!

Megami: I...I won't let you! Yes they have forgotten the way, but all you have to do is remind them.

Shén: Do you, my wife, oppose me? How dare you! I'll destroy you along with them.

Heiwa(God of Peace): she does have a point Shén. Please just give them more time.

Shén: No! I've given them too much time, I've given them too many chances, I've been too merciful, they will all die today! (Walking towards the door of the palace)

Heiwa: (thinking) "I can't let him do this I must act now before he activates his powers".

QUICK FACT: Gods and Goddesses have 3 modes, Rest Mode (Rest lets the God or Goddess relax and let's them recover they're energy, in this mode they are highly vulnerable) War Mode ( war mode enhances the God or goddesses abilities, in this mode they are almost impossible to kill, depending on the god or goddess) and finally Creation Mode ( creation mode gives the God or goddess power to create what they are the God or goddess of, for example since Heiwa is the God of peace he can create an animal that represents peace or give a person the power to spread peace). Back to the story

Without thinking Heiwa grabs Shén.

Shén: What! What is this!? Let go of me this instance!


Megami hesitates(thinking) "I can't destroy my husband, but I must stop him from destroying the world".

Heiwa: What are you waiting for!? Do it!

Shén: (Struggling to get loose) Let me GO!!

Megami: (Still thinking) I got it.

Shén breaks free, and tries to power up to War Mode, but is too late, Megami Takes his powers and disappears,

QUICK FACT: Once a God or goddess is relieved of they're powers they are sent to earth, where they get to keep only 5% of they're power. Back to the Story

Shén: Noooooo!! You stupid Bitch! I will ki-
Before finishing his sentence Shén is dropped onto Earth.

Megami: Now I will share his powers with the world.
*Teleports above Earth*
Here my children, this will show you we still exist, take this as my sign. *Spreads Shén's energy throughout the world *

End of Prologue.

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